Joe Locke

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LOL, people reporting posts talking about his new bf which aren't inappropriate or against the rules. Called it. We're losing half a page over nothing because HS stans can't tolerate Joe liking daddies.
trust me it’s not because of no hs stan’s, it’s because of it being irrelevant information that results in the thread being derailed.
trust me it’s not because of no hs stan’s, it’s because of it being irrelevant information that results in the thread being derailed.
Joe is a legal adult, he is a public figure and his love life is as on-topic in this thread as it is in any other LPSG celeb thread. In any other thread this would be relevant information for discussion. We didn't get told nobody could talk about him dating or breaking up with Sebastian Croft, why is this different? It is not off-topic or in any way worthy of reporting or removing a post, and BTW Joe has nothing to be ashamed of and nobody here is dogging him for who he dates. Unlike other HS forums.
Joe is a legal adult, he is a public figure and his love life is as on-topic in this thread as it is in any other LPSG celeb thread. In any other thread this would be relevant information for discussion. We didn't get told nobody could talk about him dating or breaking up with Sebastian Croft, why is this different? It is not off-topic or in any way worthy of reporting or removing a post, and BTW Joe has nothing to be ashamed of.
okay sir.. it’s conspiracy, there’s not a single thing that’s public information or anything said from joe himself. it’s different than someone being in a relationship with it being known, saying he’s with a older man surely is valuable information that surely helps significantly : unamused:
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