Joel Kirby

Not like he advertised nudes. You pay what you sign up for
You're right in that he's quite clear that he wouldn't show full nudes, which is remarkably honest unlike others. However, his bio does also promise at least twice-weekly uploads (it's been sporadic at best) and regular content in DMs (not had a single one off him) so he's not exactly delivering what he promises. you realise how pathetic you sound moaning about £15.

Well seeing as I don’t pay for his lousy onlyfans I really couldn’t give a flying fuck!

I was just responding to you being such a karen!

There’s onlyfans pages out there charging a fraction of the price that post sex videos and everything!

He’s a greedy Cunt and doesn’t even put in the work!
Everyone too scared to post stuff now an on anyonmous website... this site is gonna go downhill haha

Scared of what exactly though?

No one is going to go to lengths to find out who we are over posting an onlyfans picture that the owner may not even discover has been shared!

And honestly Joel is such an air head, he can barely speak proper English let alone know how to sue someone!
This pretty much sums up his posts - once you’ve seen this you’ve seen them all cause they’re all pretty much the same
Cheers! Hard to make out but looks pretty big tbf but yeah you wouldn’t wanna keep paying for same content, some of them need to mix it up surely or itll just die