Joel Kirby

Yes but no... influencers often hide their sexuality because of their public image so we don't know for sure. 🥸
Well, Jacob flirts with the gay community, a friend of Tom Daley and has even been to a drag event or a gay bar, I don't know for sure but he doesn't define himself sexually as Joel is very straight and has even had a girlfriend but you never know...
Well, Jacob flirts with the gay community, a friend of Tom Daley and has even been to a drag event or a gay bar, I don't know for sure but he doesn't define himself sexually as Joel is very straight and has even had a girlfriend but you never know...
My guess is Jacob is bi/pan but doesn’t like to put a label on it and is attracted to people based on looks, personality and chemistry regardless of gender.

Whereas Joel is straight and although he has experimented a bit with guys in the past (maybe including Jacob) and does like the attention he gets from men for his looks, he is only interested in women as far as full on sex and relationships go.

Also I have absolutely no evidence of the above, it’s just a hunch, so you shouldn’t necessarily believe any of it 😂
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Meu palpite é que Jacob é bi/pan, mas não gosta de colocar rótulos nisso e se sente atraído por pessoas com base na aparência, personalidade e química, independentemente do gênero.

Enquanto Joel é hétero e, embora tenha experimentado um pouco com homens no passado (talvez incluindo Jacob), e gosta da atenção que recebe dos homens por sua aparência, ele só se interessa por mulheres no que diz respeito a sexo e relacionamentos.

Também não tenho absolutamente nenhuma evidência do que foi dito acima, é apenas um palpite, então você não deve necessariamente acreditar em nada disso.😂
Perfeito, eu penso da mesma forma e sinto que Jacob pode ser bi ou até gay (eu nunca o vi com uma garota) e quanto ao Joel, ele deve ser um cara hétero curioso talvez (e eu nem sabia que ele já tinha tentado algo com garotos antes).