This thread is wild imo. So many defenders, including a moderator on this site, for any comment that isn't glowing, especially when it comes to price. People are allowed to comment on one's choices when it comes to what they decide to charge without it being some horrible thing. It's a major reason I love and continue to contribute financially to this site, because I can get real information about what to expect before making the purchase. Thank you to everyone who has contributed both positive feedback and feedback as to where things could be improved.
At the end of the day, he can charge what he'd like: it's his decision and I will respect that. That said, there will never be a day where charging $400 for a (less than a minute) cum vid will make sense to me. Yes, I'm sure some people will pay and he'll walk away with a good payday, but it is still an insane price to ask people to pay. You can get a custom video that will be longer, with exactly what you want the creator to say/do, for 1/4 of the cost in a lot of cases.