Johny rasputin the white massive monster cock

They are all touching the bone.He also has videos where it touchs against the bone and as Ive said there are pictures of him measureing it flaccid and it is a legit over 8" when flaccid thats more than 2" over 6" unless you are to dumb to count and also do you not even realize that Quercusone has pictures where he measures himself and it was only 10" and that TimT124 guy goes past 12" so either you are trolling or you need to get your eyes checked bc 12 is more than 10 and that Querusones guys measurements arnt very legit or proper looking either and the TimT124 guy has many other pictures besides the one you chose,he wasnt even fully hard in that one.Also he has a picture of it going passed his bellybutton and he is said to be tall.The only fool on LPSG is you bc you think you are on don't even know where your at.I dont know if you think your status gives you some sort of right to be rude to others but you need to stop using your lies to call others names
Show me one single legit measurement of him. I dare you. I posted pics of him clearly showing he's half the size you claim. But I can go on.
Tape starts at 6". Obviously 12"-6" doesn't equal 12". Screenshot of his video also shows how he's full of bullshit. I mean everyone can see with their own eyes that this guy is half the size you claim. At most. I get the feeling that it's actually you and you are upset that people are not as dumb as you to buy into such bullshit. No clue why you would hijack this thread with some made up bullshit anyway.

@TinyPrincess @ItsAll4Kim @sdp In case you wanna have a good laugh. We found a new winner who's even more full of shit than Mr. Shadow


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Show me one single legit measurement of him. I dare you. I posted pics of him clearly showing he's half the size you claim. But I can go on.
Tape starts at 6". Obviously 12"-6" doesn't equal 12". Screenshot of his video also shows how he's full of bullshit. I mean everyone can see with their own eyes that this guy is half the size you claim. At most. I get the feeling that it's actually you and you are upset that people are not as dumb as you to buy into such bullshit.

@TinyPrincess @ItsAll4Kim @sdp In case you wanna have a good laugh. We found a new winner who's even more full of shit than Mr. Shadowwow The tape is clearly longer than 6" You are just a terrible liar.I would have never joined this site if i had none there was such hateful lying trolls on here
How is everybody tonight here at LSPG.You all doing alright.snakebyte is so dumb he dont even know hes really on LPSG and apparently he doesnt even know how to count.Hey snakebyte you think you could maybe stick your foot in your mouth at an angle of like 45 degrees and stfu and gtfooh with your bs

Snakebyte is correct that @TimT124 has an average-sized penis. It's much smaller than claimed and looks unimpressive in every photo. Holding a ruler at a 45 degree angle to get a fake measurement is pathetic and is something a small guy would do. And those photos are after pumping. So @TimT124 needs a penis pump to swell all the way up to average size. What an insecure little penis.
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He also uses a tape-measure. He starts at his asshole.. Sure, then it's 12"..
And what about this?? Tape starts at 6
I think Vlad is likely at least as large as Dredd, perhaps even larger. We've seen 6'2" Vlad with 4'11" Kiki and we've seen 6'5" Dredd with 4'9" Piper. I'm not sure how Kiki's weight compares to Piper's 81 lbs but I suspect she's significantly thicker. Here are the couples standing next to each other (photos leveled to approximate the height differences).


As you can see, Piper is shorter and thinner than Kiki while Dredd is a bitter taller and heavier then Vlad. Dredd is hanging here giving the impression of a larger penis, but let's take another look. First from the side.


I resized these images to make their cocks roughly the same size. As you can see, the photo with Dredd and Piper is closer to the camera considering Piper's head and upper body appear slightly larger than Kik's (who is actually the bigger girl). Here's another shot from the side.


Images were resized to approximate the differences in Kiki and Piper's frames. Here, Dredd looks to have a bit more length than Vlad, but at least part of this is due to Piper's lack of ass blocking his cock, LOL. As you can see, Vlad looks significantly thicker from the side. Now for another angle.


Here, Vlad looks at least as thick as Dredd. Probably thicker considering how their cocks compare to the girls' respective frames. So Vlad is thicker both width and depth-wise, and possibly just as long. Now for the final shot that I think makes it quite clear who is bigger.


Piper's forearm is surely shorter and thinner than Kiki's and here (adjusting for the slightly different poses), Vlad looks at least as long as Dredd and, once again, significantly thicker.

So there we have it. But there's a twist! Judging from some of these old photos of Vlad with hair, his cock seems to have grown quite a bit in size, especially in terms of thickness. So I suspect he's had some kind of work done. But then I've heard the same accusation about Dredd as well. That said, I think this should definitely silence the naysayers.

FACT: Vlad has one of the largest cocks ever seen in porn... and certainly the largest WHITE one!
He also uses a tape-measure. He starts at his asshole.. Sure, then it's 12"..
And what about this?? Tape starts at 6
Snakebyte is correct that @TimT124 has an average-sized penis. It's much smaller than claimed and looks unimpressive in every photo. Holding a ruler at a 45 degree angle to get a fake measurement is pathetic and is something a small guy would do. And those photos are after pumping. So @TimT124 needs a penis pump to swell all the way up to average size. What an insecure little penis.
He is not turned all the way around in this picture and snakebyte still has not posted the picture of him measuring over 8" while flaccid but I suspect none of you will bc your just lifeless trolls.It is also funny that snakebyte had to call in the troll troops since he is losing
He is not turned all the way around in this picture and snakebyte still has not posted the picture of him measuring over 8" while flaccid but I suspect none of you will bc your just lifeless trolls.It is also funny that snakebyte had to call in the troll troops since he is losing

Good Lord, man. Give it up! Your defense of this TimT124 clown makes NO sense unless you are actually him. And if you are, I'm sorry for both your undersized penis and delusions of grandeur. The cock seen in this pics appears to be UNDER 6 inches, actually. And thin as hell, too. Please go create a new thread elsewhere if you want to promote this guy (yourself). This nonsense does not belong here. This thread is about Johny Rasputin aka Vlad and his genuinely gargantuan penis!
Good Lord, man. Give it up! Your defense of this TimT124 clown makes NO sense unless you are actually him. And if you are, I'm sorry for both your undersized penis and delusions of grandeur. The cock seen in this pics appears to be UNDER 6 inches, actually. And thin as hell, too. Please go create a new thread elsewhere if you want to promote this guy (yourself). This nonsense does not belong here. This thread is about Johny Rasputin aka Vlad and his genuinely gargantuan penis!
Still dont know where you are getting under 6" from when he measures over 8" while he is flaccid and yes I know it is about vlad and I have commented about him before until I was trolled and called names.I am a vet and don't back down from anyone especially keyboard warriors so why dont you keep your nose out of my business
Good Lord, man. Give it up! Your defense of this TimT124 clown makes NO sense unless you are actually him. And if you are, I'm sorry for both your undersized penis and delusions of grandeur. The cock seen in this pics appears to be UNDER 6 inches, actually. And thin as hell, too. Please go create a new thread elsewhere if you want to promote this guy (yourself). This nonsense does not belong here. This thread is about Johny Rasputin aka Vlad and his genuinely gargantuan penis!
Also how do you know snakebyte isnt TimT124.He is the one posting all the videos and pictures
Show me one single legit measurement of him. I dare you. I posted pics of him clearly showing he's half the size you claim. But I can go on.
Tape starts at 6". Obviously 12"-6" doesn't equal 12". Screenshot of his video also shows how he's full of bullshit. I mean everyone can see with their own eyes that this guy is half the size you claim. At most. I get the feeling that it's actually you and you are upset that people are not as dumb as you to buy into such bullshit. No clue why you would hijack this thread with some made up bullshit anyway.

@TinyPrincess @ItsAll4Kim @sdp In case you wanna have a good laugh. We found a new winner who's even more full of shit than Mr. Shadow

LOL. Not to mention that according to the "ruler" in this pic, the guy's hand would be roughly 14 inches long from wrist to fingertip, which is actually more impressive than the alleged penis size!

Again, back on topic... Let's see if these thumbnails allow me to post larger full sized versions of two of the comparison Vlad-Dredd pics from my post above.

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Back on topic, here's another Vlad-Dredd comparison shot. Not totally fair to Dredd due to the camera angle and lens type, but you get the point. Vlad is definitely a contender!

View attachment 1317797
Just FYI, Dredd and Piper never did missionary. That's Mandingo.
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Still dont know where you are getting under 6" from when he measures over 8" while he is flaccid and yes I know it is about vlad and I have commented about him before until I was trolled and called names.I am a vet and don't back down from anyone especially keyboard warriors so why dont you keep your nose out of my business

@TimT124 is a fake with a small penis.

Don't mind me, I'm just making sure there are lots of references to @TimT124 and his 5 inch penis if anyone searches for him on Google. I doubt an underendowed fraud like @TimT124 would mind.
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Just FYI, Dredd and Piper never did missionary. That's Mandingo.

OOPS, my bad. I see the guy has a hand tattoo as well which Dredd doesn't have. I don't think that's Mandingo, though. I see it's the same tall guy standing next to her in that other photo who I thought was Dredd. Here's a bigger one I found. Who is it?

OOPS, my bad. I see the guy has a hand tattoo as well which Dredd doesn't have. I don't think that's Mandingo, though. I see it's the same tall guy standing next to her in that other photo who I thought was Dredd. Here's a bigger one I found. Who is it?

View attachment 1317907

Are you sure Rasputin is thicker than Dredd?

I have to see him in more scenes with taller women
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Are you sure Rasputin is thicker than Dredd?

I have to see him in more scenes with taller women

Not sure but it looks like he could be. Just comparing the thickness of his cock to Kiki's legs as compared to Dredd's cock with Piper's (who looks to be skinnier than Kiki). Here are some bigger versions of the side angle.

bob_piper_perri_dredd_ 6.jpg
no one has the guts to post the picture of him measuring it while flaccid and it measuring over 8" while its flaccid.So the claims of 5" and 6" are already proven wrong.You all have lost and just dont like it

This thread is about a guy with a large cock. You should start a thread about the small dick of @TimT124 somewhere else.
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