Johny rasputin the white massive monster cock

is there another guy who cums like Rasputin - where he squeezes out the last drops of cum after he has ejaculated?
To each his or her own, but I just can’t get into this guy’s stuff. He looks ill as if all his body’s functions are somehow repurposed to serve only his mammoth cock.
He looks emancipated and leathery like a cadaver recently discovered in the most remote Siberian ice wall.
He’s a freak with a gigantic cock.
To each his or her own, but I just can’t get into this guy’s stuff. He looks ill as if all his body’s functions are somehow repurposed to serve only his mammoth cock.
He looks emancipated and leathery like a cadaver recently discovered in the most remote Siberian ice wall.
He’s a freak with a gigantic cock.

His cock is around 8 inches. So I wouldn't call him gigantic. But everything else you typed I agree with. Which is why I don't watch this guy scenes.
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His cock is around 8 inches. So I wouldn't call him gigantic. But everything else you typed I agree with. Which is why I don't watch this guy scenes.
You think he’s “only “ 8 inches?
I guess he could be, but the way they shoot him makes it look like a DuraLog.
To each his or her own, but I just can’t get into this guy’s stuff. He looks ill as if all his body’s functions are somehow repurposed to serve only his mammoth cock.
He looks emancipated and leathery like a cadaver recently discovered in the most remote Siberian ice wall.
He’s a freak with a gigantic cock.
Dude I laughed for five minutes because this is so true.
Oh no, not the same old 'but really he isn't that big....." oh, and he's old, short, ugly, criminal..blah, blah, blah.

The guy is fucking huge, end of.

This site is pretty much about voyeurs with a fascination for massive cocks, yet when massive guys turn up, like this Russian guy or Julio, there seems to be both a backlash and ridiculous measurement estimates. 8 inches, don't make me laugh.

So this guy is old and, yeah, less than handsome - too true, but go to another site which is more about the complete 'package' of attractiveness and you will find something very different....cocks will be far less important than facial bone structure, good teeth and accumulated wealth (for women).

I am 'around' 7.5, when pumped I can get close to 8 if I risk pushing limits to injury ....I know this as the insecure and obsessive part of my personality has compelled me to measure it a thousand times. This Russian guy is waaay bigger than me, yeah I know, porn tricks, camera angles, tiny women etc etc....but even so, I know (because I have eyes), that he is way bigger.

He is fucking huge, accept it, then enjoy it, as that is what you are here for.
Oh no, not the same old 'but really he isn't that big....." oh, and he's old, short, ugly, criminal..blah, blah, blah.

The guy is fucking huge, end of.

This site is pretty much about voyeurs with a fascination for massive cocks, yet when massive guys turn up, like this Russian guy or Julio, there seems to be both a backlash and ridiculous measurement estimates. 8 inches, don't make me laugh.

So this guy is old and, yeah, less than handsome - too true, but go to another site which is more about the complete 'package' of attractiveness and you will find something very different....cocks will be far less important than facial bone structure, good teeth and accumulated wealth (for women).

I am 'around' 7.5, when pumped I can get close to 8 if I risk pushing limits to injury ....I know this as the insecure and obsessive part of my personality has compelled me to measure it a thousand times. This Russian guy is waaay bigger than me, yeah I know, porn tricks, camera angles, tiny women etc etc....but even so, I know (because I have eyes), that he is way bigger.

He is fucking huge, accept it, then enjoy it, as that is what you are here for.
Just that he was measured on video with a measuring tape at a bit above 8". It's no estimate. It's hard evidence.
Problem rather is that people don't understand how fucking big REAL 8" are because every other idiot thinks his 6 incher is 8" or more.

accept it, then enjoy it, as that is what you are here for.
Speak for yourself. Lots of people are here for other reasons.
Oh no, not the same old 'but really he isn't that big....." oh, and he's old, short, ugly, criminal..blah, blah, blah.

The guy is fucking huge, end of.

This site is pretty much about voyeurs with a fascination for massive cocks, yet when massive guys turn up, like this Russian guy or Julio, there seems to be both a backlash and ridiculous measurement estimates. 8 inches, don't make me laugh.

So this guy is old and, yeah, less than handsome - too true, but go to another site which is more about the complete 'package' of attractiveness and you will find something very different....cocks will be far less important than facial bone structure, good teeth and accumulated wealth (for women).

I am 'around' 7.5, when pumped I can get close to 8 if I risk pushing limits to injury ....I know this as the insecure and obsessive part of my personality has compelled me to measure it a thousand times. This Russian guy is waaay bigger than me, yeah I know, porn tricks, camera angles, tiny women etc etc....but even so, I know (because I have eyes), that he is way bigger.

He is fucking huge, accept it, then enjoy it, as that is what you are here for.

Yes there is downplaying here


It reaches 28.5 cm on the tape, but look closely it starts at 7cm. I thought it started at 6 originally but if you look I think 6.5 or 7cm is where the tape starts, that is very fair. It gives him 8.6 inches on a good erection.

Users here say it adds length using a tape so they knock 0.5 off that and say he is 8.1 inch maximum. That is a bit extreme. I will stick with the 8.6... but there are hundreds of posts about this on this forum where users argue about this and insult each other, lol.

I agree with you, its a massive cock bigger than 90% of other pornstars. We should give credit where it is due. This guy is one of the longest of all time in porn. Who cares if it is 8.1 or 8.5 or 8.6 inches. Let's just enjoy his movies.
I do not know if this is true or not but there have been posts on social media websites that Vlad has been deported, so his American porn career is over. This could just be trolls making these rumors. I have not seen any confirmation yet. But it would explain his inactivity on BangBros.