Jordan barrett

Sure - but in the celebrity world, I don’t think there’s a difference between marrying someone and dating. There are plenty of celeb marriages that were PR moves. Or maybe he’s pulling a Hoyt Kogan and he’s a gay4pay trophy husband.
There's some big differences between Jordan and Hoyt

1. Jordan don't need sugar daddies. He was rich way before his marriage. I bet that he's richer than Pietro Boselli.

2. He's been the cover of A+ list fashion magazines for a long time now. Unlike the highlight of Denek/Hoyt career... being photographed in the Met with Maluma 3/4 years ago.

3. Unless your gaydar is from a GenZ, there's no way someone couldn't think Jordan isn't at least bisexual: he always showing bits and bits of queer culture on his Instagram.

4. Hoyt did porn (from str8 milf to hardcore kinky gay genre) since he's 18. He got lucky finding Jeremy. Jordan was the cover of VMAN, a magazine which covers A+ list artists at the same age.