Thank you. I'm so annoyed with the "the industry is so toxic, it demands they all be skinny" crap. Yeah there was a period of time when that was the case (and even then this was mainly on the female side of the industry, men haven't had the same pressures to be waif thin to nearly the same degree if at all.) The industry is much more diverse now and body positive than it's ever been.It really doesn’t ‘demand’ extreme youth as much as it used to. I think this is more in his head than anything else. The industry has welcomed back many models who are past the age of 40, they even found a love for people over 300lbs. Jordan is coming up on 30 soon so maybe it’s his own insecurities of getting older. He def goes for the androgynous look lately but the ultra-skinny body just does not look that great on him. His build demands more muscle then just skin and bones.
Cuts off right before it shows