I just joined this thread would it be possible for someone to give me cliff notes I started watching the show and it has great eye candy on top of being amazing Superman show
Here’s what you should know:
posts can be arranged via popularity or time. A thread is typically arranged oldest post first to newest last. Unless you click one of two options at the top right side of a thread: sort by date or sort by popular. Sorting posts by popularity stacks the really interesting/hot content the first page for a quick locate.
If you ask an innocent question about where something might be, you run the risk of getting half a dozen bitchy responses aggressively pointing out that your dumbassery is costing their valuable time to have to stop and comment to you about how awful you are when you could have sorted the posts firsts, then they wouldn't have had to be forced to to you.
In general, most members are here to talk and look at hot guys. Despite this common understanding, if you post a picture that someone posted 6 months earlier, like 9 queens will come out the woodwork to tell you about yourself and how you done fucked up bad by posting something you could have clearly seen was already posted either by looking back in the thread or asking. The cue the one queen who’ll bitch you out if you do post to ask before posting because you could looked first instead of making them come here and teach you about yourself.
Now, this thread in particular is for discussing one of the two bland actors on Supermam and Lois. One user claims to have nude vids from the blonde son, but spends of their time posting NOT proof or even other pictures of the dude, but cute little bluRbs about how they’ll share when they’re ready and they don't really care and could live without the attention, then posts more about how everyone will see they were right But they don't care if that happens.
Then you get the bitter Betty's, who want to poke the poster because they want to see naked pics and for anyone to say they have them and not share is infuriating to them. The other camp just shows up and advertises how patient they are and ever will be.
Currently, this talentless actor is having his roll recast for whatever reason- severaL judgemental queens have offered in-depth commentary of gossip and the situation as it appears to them proclaimed him unsuitable for a career going forward. The other judgmental Queen's have crafted passionately and equally out of touch with reality rebuttals in which they are previously offended if you disagree with them.
Posting anything, you run the risk of angrying any number of ill-adjusted queen for charges that range from writing too many words to point out someone else is mistaken about the date, to positing while existing.
Don't post an empty post within an older thread just to type inside it, bump to bump it up to the top of the forum. It's not how someone with couth behaves because you’re not adding anything of quality. You'll see some uncouth posters do it, but don't follow their example because the only user more loathesome than someone who bumps or is fat or old (kiddingish) is the self righteous queens who rise from the bowls of busybody self-righteousness to chastize everyone of us for the bump post. The Queens will go on and on about “you can't do that” and reporting the bump and expounding in great detail just how much effort it takes for them to pass such a post and ignore it. No, their duty is for them to alert the entire community of their sacrifice.
There are a lot of sensitive queens here. They get mad, offended, outraged, bowled over, pearl clutchy at the slightest perceived social faux pas (real or imagined) intentional or unintentional. Don’t be shocked to get random messages from moderators who are genuinely embarrassed to have to wag their finger at you and take some points because some queen complained that some vague word you used two weeks ago was unladylike and causing their talking bird fainting nightmares when it rains on Thursdays.
i know im forgetting something…..oh well, they’ll make themselves known soon! I’ve already offended a few because I used my words and folks hate it if they have words to read.
and of course I’ll hear about my pointing out how ridiculous some of the bigger, more bully like personalities are around here because they will be reporting this post because I offended them with truth.
anyway, welcome! Try to overlook the folks who can’t take jokes or lack the ability to have fun and you’ll be fine.