Josh Hartnett

Did someone watch his new tv series Paradise Lost on Spectrum streaming service?
Any nudity?
This guy was in the news today. I had forgotten all about him. Handsome guy but remember when he was paired with Michael Bay's aggressive use of bronzer, lighting and camera angles to really doll him up? Made his character in Pearl Harbor is legitimately one of the best looking male characters in film history. Ben Affleck was supposed to be the big star but as soon as Hartnett showed up screen...That is one chiseled, well-structured face.




Surprised someone as talented and attractive didn't become a bigger star.
According to a recent interview with The Guardian, Josh is married to Brit actor Tamsin Egerton, and is living in Surrey, just outside of London, here in the UK.

If anyone has the patience to scroll through The Black Dahlia (Brian de Palma, 2006), there is a brief shot of Josh's bare ass in a scene where he gets out of bed. Very nice ass it is too!