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Luke looks and in and a half larger than Asher Angel who is 5'8. He's leaning however here.
Even tho Luke is leaning, you can still notice a huge difference between Him and Joshua. So luke being 5’10, while he leans he probably drops to like 5’7-5’8 but Joshua who is standing straight is noticeable taller then him. In that leaning pics Joshua looks a good 5-6 inches taller. Joshua also does have a tall look. He has long legs and long body portions. If you were to put 5’8 Asher next to Joshua you would notice a huge difference
The girl he was with in a last film was 5'4 in flats and he's only five inches taller. The images her are at an angle and Luke is leaning.

Joshua is a solid 5'9. It's a fact. Websites change and publish.

"Joshua is a solid 5'9"? Dude, Matt Cornett is over 6 feet tall and Josh is always nearly eye level with him. I don't understand this logic. So many people who met Josh at Disneyland described him as taller than expected.

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