People warn about Julian and Brandon’s scam tactics during their free OnlyFans shows, and they still make hundreds or even thousands of dollars in tips per show (plus whatever they make from the paid show that always follows the free show if their goal for the free one is met). The bulk of the money is coming from repeat tippers who know how Julian and Brandon operate…but just don’t care.
Julian and Brandon each did at least two — I saw them doing one that was $49.99 (running on both of their pages simultaneously) and then later saw them doing another that was $24.99 (again running on both pages) — and I had several additional shows listed in my notifications that I had missed (so I don’t know if those were paid or free shows).
I only watch their free shows, so everything I’m about to say is just speculation…but the notifications (which, based on time stamps, were popping up every hour) gave me the impression that a new show was being started every hour, each with its own unique cost, to ensure that people would have to pay multiple times in order to see everything that was happening. (Disclaimer: I have never paid for a show from any creator and therefore don’t know the details of the “24-hour pass” offer that’s always mentioned when you attempt to open them, so maybe paying for one grants access to any others that happen within the following 24 hours, and the price of these particular shows was simply reduced over time for latecomers. Julian and Brandon just haven’t earned the benefit of the doubt from me, so that wasn’t my first thought when I saw all those notifications and the different prices.)
Anyway…from the blurred images of the shows that were running each time I checked, I can at least confirm that both Julian and Brandon were fully naked each time. It also seemed like there might have been a massage session at one point, but that’s just a guess based on what I was able to make out behind the blurred images (either Julian or Brandon seemed to be lying facedown on something, and the other guy seemed to be standing beside him).
That’s all I can offer.