Dream Big

Superior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Washington (Washington, D.C., United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
“I wish I were bigger,” I said, aloud.

I’d thought it before, of course. Many times. Being bullied for being the scrawny kid from kindergarten through graduation. At my 17the birthday, I was the second shortest guy in the room, and the skinniest. By the time my 18th hit, it seemed like nothing was going to change. At 5’6” and 124 lbs, I was charitably called “lean”, but let’s face it, I was a scrawny little dude and I knew it. I’d tried eating more, working out, sports, all of it. No luck, not with my crazy metabolism. And it wouldn’t have been so bad had I actually been good at any of it, but I lacked the coordination for sports, and I just couldn’t seem to put on muscle— despite the best efforts of the high school coach who turned me into his pet project senior year. We’d both agreed steroids were out, and my folks were unwilling to consider anything medical. But we put a dent in GNC’s stocks for legal, over the counter stuff.

Anyway. Graduation happened, and I’d turned 18 two days prior. I’d picked a solid, reputable local university, and was ready to enjoy a summer free of other worries. I had a bit of money set aside from my part time job, which was a blessing because the place closed up unexpectedly during the last week of classes. There was little point in busting my ass to get a summer job for two months, and my folks grudgingly agreed to cover my expenses until I went off to school. After all, my scholarships were enough to cover school and expenses, and graduation and birthday gifts gave me some spending money to enjoy the summer.

First item on the agenda: a trip to New York City with my best friends. Two whole weeks, in late June! My friend Sarah had a cousin who had just bought and begun to renovate a house in Hell’s Kitchen, but ran Into some legal and financing issues that kept it from completing. So the plan was we would stay there for a bit, and let the contractors in to finish renovating the first floor, while Sarah’s cousin was away. Accommodations were minimal, but who cared? We planned to bring sleeping bags and air mattresses, and the kitchen was already done.

So it would be Sarah, her sister Erin, my bestie Vic, and me. Vic and I had been friends since pre school, and Sarah was my neighbor. Her sister Erin was a year older, and was ostensibly the grown up. She was on break from a school in New Jersey.

Anyway, me and Sarah and Vic got there by bus, took a Lyft over to the place, and met Erin. We missed Cousin Pete by half an hour due to traffic, but had sorted it all out by phone with him and Erin. We ditched our stuff after getting a quick tour, and then went out for dinner.

Okay, I’m sure you’re wondering when the sexy part starts.

Well, so was I.

See, I had begun to figure out that I like boys...and girls. And I had eyes for my two best friends. Crushes, really, but the sort you have when you have a deep friendship. It had only slid over to connect to lusty thoughts in the last few months. But a combination of fear, unwillingness to screw up friendships, and my own self image issues kept all those feelings locked up inside.

But stray comments overheard at graduation parties had sparked a glimmer of hope. See, Vic is Korean and raised mostly by his aunties. And I heard Auntie Lin expressing concern over Vic’s lack of a girlfriend, and asking her sister if she thought he might be like Vic’s cousin Jun. Of course I never heard a response, but Jun, well, Jun was a hottie and probably part of why I realized I was into boys too. He would be about 23, and had been openly out for two years, and I’d been crushing on him whenever I saw him at Vics place, usually for some big family meal I’d wrangled my way into. He looked like the masculine guy in a K-pop band. and Vic looked like he could be the younger nerdy one.

Until that comment, it had never occurred to me that Vic might not be straight. And I was terrified to broach he topic because we talked about and shared everything BUT our sexual interests with each other. But I loved spending time with him, and all our interests seemed to overlap perfectly. We’d slept over at each others houses since elementary school, had shared gym classes and camping trips...but suddenly I found myself mentally reviewing everything and wondering whether I’d missed the signs. Maybe I’d been blind to it, or maybe I was imagining it.

Sarah, however, was more straightforward a situation. She was a smart girl, certainly, and a good looking one, very girl next door — of course literally she was the girl next door. Friendly and approachable, and prone to hugs. She treated me like a brother she never had, almost from day one. Got along with everyone. But those hugs, at some point, became quite different to me, and I was forced to confront he fact that while she had a pretty average face, her real asset was her smoking hot body. For some reason she dressed to hide it in school, but she wasn’t shy around me and Vic, and she had a swimming pool. Toned, nice firm and perky boobs, long legs, and girl abs....who knew that abs were a thing for girls? And then, at her graduation party, her grandma asked (a little too loudly) whether she liked either of those boys. Sarah had shushed her grandma and whispered something to her, and the matter was dropped. But she didn’t make eye contact with me or Vic for the rest of the party. And I think Erin, who I didn’t really know well, noticed.

so yeah. Here I was thinking lusty thoughts about my two closest friends, both of whom would be going away to different schools from me, and I was about to be stuck in a house with them for two weeks, essentially unsupervised. And I was too much of a coward to act on it, not even to figure out if either of them were even interested.

Because I was just little Drew, the shrimp friend. They could do better. Hell, they could do better with each other....

Thoughts like that made me spring wood — hell I was 18, nearly everything makes you spring wood that age — and made for an uncomfortable trip up, so mostly I feigned sleepiness to avoid thinking about it.

See, the other thing I haven’t mentioned yet is that I was below average and skinny, except in one area. I was the proud owner of a slightly above average bait and tackle. Five inches soft, seven and a half when erect, it looked way bigger on my small frame. Fairly big balls too. And that just added to my misery because I felt like a freak.


That first night, it was gorgeous out. Not too hot, and we had youth and energy to spare after stuffing our faces with real pizza. We laughed a lot, talked about stupid stuff, shared some hopes and dreams about our future. Erin told some funny stories about her freshman year adventures, and we found ourselves sitting by the fountain at Columbus Circle.

“Hey, we should make a wish,” Erin said. “Everyone has a penny, right?”

“I wish I knew what to wish for,” Vic laughed.

“no, make it a real one,” Sarah said.

“Fine. I wish I could always stay friends with you guys.” He tossed the coin and made a satisfying splash.

“Awww! Now I feel bad. I was gonna wish for a car.” Erin tossed hers.

“Hah. I wish I had bigger boobs, like yours.” Sarah said, and in her coin went.

“what about you, Drew?”

“I wish I were bigger.”

The shimmering reflections in the water might be imagined as stars, but let’s be real: you don’t see those with all the other lights in a big city. No magic stardust, no flash bang, just a faint shimmering as the reflected street lights, high windows, and mobile phone glows bounced off the water’s surface.

Vic laughed. “Well THAT was anticlimactic.”

“What were you expecting?” Erin said, amused. “Wishing isn’t getting. Parking is a nightmare anyway, I’m better off without a car. It’s just fun. Maybe you put a little positive energy out there and see what happens. What’s the worst that could happen?”


We wandered a little more, but it was getting late anyway, so we quickly found ourselves splitting up into three rooms. Vic and I bunked together, but Sarah had her own room, and so did Erin, who claimed the master bedroom. Vic and I got our air mattresses inflated and sleeping bags out, and soon we’d all made ourselves at home.

“Hey,” Vic said. “I was serious, I love you guys.”

“I know,” I said quietly. “Stop being corny.”

“I mean, after this, we are going different places. This may be it. At least the way we are. And I don’t want to think about you guys not being part of my life.”

“Then we won’t let it.”


“Yeah.” I tossed a pillow at him. “Now let’s get some sleep, man. Whole city to explore tomorrow!”

“....Thanks, man.”

Sleep came quickly.


I woke the next morning to the loud sound of construction workers banging around downstairs, and then a loud knock on our door. It was Erin.

“sorry guys, you have about half an hour between you before the water gets shut off. Sarah’s in my room, so you guys can use the hall bathroom. Just don’t bitch if you run out of hot water before you’re done!”

Cue a mad rush as we scrambled to get ourselves ready. Would have been worse had we not spent so much time in each other’s houses growing up. There weren’t many boundaries, and the shower was a big walk in model. Vic got started while I took a shit, complaining loudly the whole time about the smell and poor timing. I couldn’t help it, my bio clock was pretty dependable. But it meant we had to share the shower a bit.

it wasn’t remotely erotic, if you were hoping that. We were in a rush, for one thing, and for another, we were kind of used to each other. Plus the shower was big enough and had room to maneuver. The water ran out as we finished brushing our teeth.

“hey,” Vic said, “you should probably get a different t shirt. That shirt is starting to ride up.”

Annoyed, I checked, and the hem barely cleared my belt line. I decided I was fine with showing a little skin and like I said, I had a narrow waist and little flat abs going. What the heck. Not like I knew anyone here who would care.

So of course both the girls teased me shout it when they saw me.

“you should really pick up some new clothes anyway, Drew. Get some style before you go to college!” Sarah said. “Besides, we can go check out thrift stores and boutiques and stuff!”

“knock yourselves out,” Erin said. “You’ve all got keys, and I will be busy all day. Why don’t we meet up in Chinatown for dinner at 7?”

if this were an 80s film, this is where there would be a montage of trying on clothes and goofing off together. It was glorious and fun and silly hanging out with my two best friends, and by lunchtime we had found a few things. But my feet were starting to hurt, and I wanted something really substantial for lunch. The bagel was a nice change for breakfast but that was four hours ago. My crazy metabolism was really working overtime.

It was at the deli that I realized my shoes were too tight.
“You’ve had those shoes forever, they’re practically falling apart anyway,” Vic said.

“Guess I’m getting new shoes today too,” I said.

“you keep eating like that and you’ll be shopping for bigger pants,” Sarah teased, stealing my fries blatantly. “Two loaded bagels for breakfast, and now you just ate a whole New York deli corned beef sandwich, and fries. And pickle.”

Truthfully, I’d woken up super hungry, and just chalked it up to walking a lot the prior night. Vic had made some comment about my bathroom habits and the likelihood of there being ANYTHING left in me. But that was a really big sandwich and it didn’t seem to have made much of a dent in my hunger. Or maybe something else was making my stomach grumble.

“do you have any clue how many women would kill for your freaky metabolism?”

“It’s not fair, man, but it can’t last forever. My brother said he gained fifteen pounds his freshman year.”

“Yeah, and Jun started working out to get rid of the weight. Look how badly that turned out for him,” Sarah said. “You DO know your brother is a hunk, right?”

“I hadn’t noticed. Not with the aunties making a fuss and everyone staring at his muscles.”

Sarah had the good manners to look a little guilty. “Hey, I couldn’t help it. It was a pool party and he was not leaving much to the imagination...”

As they continued to tease each other, I realized I remembered every detail of that pool party, memory of Jun did what it usually did — triggered a boner. Ugh, bad timing!

“Drew, you remember, right? Even Erin thought he was hot, and she is only a little interested in guys.”

Wait what? Did she just out her sister?

“Wait, what?” Vic asked. “Erin went lesbian? Oh that’s hilarious.”


“Because Jun is gay?”

“OMG, that’s actually true? Now I want to encourage her just to mess with her head.”

fuck. I was trying to pay attention to the silly moment, but once the image of Jun, muscles rippling and water dripping off his various bumps as he emerged from the pool,...once that got in my head it wouldn’t leave. The boner problem was here to stay. And fuck if I hadn’t eaten so much my belt felt tight, and that made my dick strain against it. It was becoming uncomfortable.
Luckily, my stomach made a horrifying gurgle, and I broke out into a sweat. Thinking quickly, I forced a nasty belch.

“Gross, man,” Vic said. “you okay?”

“Better hit the can,” I said. Thinking quickly, I grabbed the bag with my new clothes and used it to hide my straining tent as I made for the bathroom.

Sure enough, once the door was locked, I situation. My dick was painfully obvious in too tight pants and my lower abs were on full display. There had to be at least an inch or two between my shirt hem and the top of my pants.
I quickly glanced around to make sure I was alone, and no cameras, then hauled out my dick hurriedly. Man, I was on fire, hornier than I could remember. Images of Jun played on repeat in my head and I grabbed my dick, which my imagination decided was huge. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my hand around it and began furiously jacking offs to the memory of my best friends hot brother, but it wasn’t quite doing it for me, until my minds eye camera pulled back, and I saw Vic, also staring, but focused on me with and odd look in his eye.

The idea that he’d caught me perving on his brother sent me over the edge.

Jesus that was hot. My dick still throbbed away, despite unloading spectacularly, but I was too startled to worry about that right away. There wer paper towels and I managed to douse the sink rather than myself, mostly.

But what caught my attention was that my already respectable dick was, quite clearly, bigger than usual. In fact, as it deflated, it seemed still larger than expected.

I mopped up the mess and hurriedly switched to a new shirt, and managed to somehow tuck my dick back into my undies and zip up the jeans. But it still made for a bit of a bulge. More than usual. Or maybe it was my imagination?
There was not a lot of choice; i really needed different pants. And I was still feeling a little unsettled, and hungry, all day.

At the thrift shop, I was getting frustrated. Seemed like all the clothes were just labeled wrong or something, because nothing was fitting right. But then, it had been washed several times before, being used, right? after the third pair of painted on jeans got the veto from Sarah, I got grumpy.

“Stay put for a moment,” Sarah ordered. “Let me just get you some other jeans to try on.”

Vic was busy too, so I sat there in the cramped booth waiting while hipster music from the 80s or something played. I looked again at the reflection in the mirror.

Objectively, I realized, I wasn’t bad looking. Sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and lean. Hell, you could even see a bit of definition in my abs and Adonis belt, and I was reasonably blessed downstairs. I made a muscle and was pleasantly surprised that you could tell. Huh, maybe all those workouts were finally kicking in, even if I’d given up hope...

oh. Goodness, my “blessing” was feeling perky today. It was starting to look obscene, half chinned and bulging in my briefs. I should probably pick up some new undies while I was out. That elastic was looking threadbare.

“Here, dummy, catch!” I was pelted with two pair of jeans. Both looked fine, but —

“Sarah, these are too big. I wear 28s,” I complained.

“You said the others are too tight, maybe they’re all off size or something.”

To my surprise, they fit, and they looked okay. They were cut differently than I was used to — skinny jeans were my usual go to, what with my twig legs and lack of butt. But it was time for second opinion.

“So?” I opened the door and did a quick rotation.

“Oooh, me likey,” Sarah said, a bit more enthusiastic than usual.

“Those look good on you,” Vic said, having materialized out of thin air.

“Real good!” Sarah added. “You actually have an ass. Took long enough!”


We raided the place for a few more odds and ends — Vic found a really cool red shirt, and Sarah a little sundress — and paid the tab. I couldn’t bitch too much, for my forty bucks I did pretty well.

Since I needed t shirts too, apparently, we popped into a few of the usual suspects - Old Navy, Gap, H&am — and as we tried things on, it became apparent that I had, finally, gone up a size. Pretty much everywhere.

But it was when I tried on shoes that it finally sunk in.

A cute, well built black guy about my age insisted on measuring my feet.

“Gotta use the old Braddock Device, man,” he said. “Cuz those kicks of yours are dead, and you want something to fit right.”

I rolled my eyes. I’d worn a size seven shoe for four years. Maybe I’d finally hit 7 1/2?

“No wonder your shoes broke, bro. You wear an 8. Might even want to go for the half, depending on the shoe. I’ll grab a few pairs to try...”

He was already halfway to the back room, and didn’t notice what had to be an odd look on my face. I felt the flush hit me.

Yup, sitting there in the shoe store, that’s when it hit me. The realization that I was, suddenly after four or five years, just a little bit bigger.

It’s harder than you’d imagine to try on shoes when you are sporting wood. And Chuck the sales guy was back before I knew it, carrying three pairs of shoes to try on. Sure enough, he was right and I’d fit just right in the 8.5s.

But if everything else about me seemed a little bigger, I reasoned, maybe my slightly bigger dick wasn’t just imagination. And as if to prove a point, mr lucky began to test the theory. I hastily tucked left and stood to give the shoes a quick walking test, and decided to buy them.

Vic and Sarah were on the other side of the store, Sarah chattering away as she tried on half a dozen different pairs,and Vic looking uncharacteristically engaged by the process.

“You look taller in those,” Vic said.

“Nice,” Sarah modded.

By this point it was almost five, so we took an uber back up to the house so we could freshen up for dinner. My stomach was already growling, so I snacked on some junk food while I waited for the bathroom to be free. Vic was taking his good sweet time in there.

I thought about a nap, but I wasn’t really tired now, and my aching feet felt way better in the new shoes. Sarah was calling her folks, so I tuned her out and lay across my air mattress, mentally working out how I could have missed my growth spurt. I just couldn’t figure it out. I’d just bought a new suit for graduation, but then again, suits were measured a little differently...

Maybe my wish had come true and I was actually bigger because of that?

My mind wandered further, and I was still kind of horny. Thinking about getting bigger was a turn on. Before my dick reached half mast, I remembered seeing a measuring tape downstairs, so I grabbed that, and shut the door.

It took no time to get my boy revved up, and I cautiously unrolled the tape measure along the top of my penis. It really did look bigger... but I wasn’t prepared to blow my usual 7.5 out of the water.

I was an entire inch bigger.
Before I could fully explore, of course, I was interrupted.

I heard the shower fan switch off and the bathroom door open -- just in time to grab my new pants and a change of underwear, and hold them in front of me as I stood up. Good thing too, because the briefs weren't hiding much, and my erection poked happily out of my waistband like a demented meerkat.

Vic walked in like he hadn't a care in the world -- whistling as he tossed his stuff onto his open suitcase and flopped in the chair to pull on his socks.

Horror of horrors, he wasn't wearing a t-shirt yet, and I could see his blemish-free skin and lightly defined muscles as he reached. My friend had apparently not been skipping arm day.

He looked up, as I froze like a deer in the headlights.

"What?" he asked, squinting. He wasn't wearing his glasses yet.

"Nothing," I lied, and scooted off to the bathroom across the hall before he noticed anything. Like my straining, oversized, angry penis, denied its prey and demanding blood.

I slammed the door shut and shouted "There better be hot water left!" Though honestly, I'd probably want COLD water to deal with this thing. I was still horny, and hot, and I flipped on the fan again to clear the remaining steam. I had about 20 minutes to get ready, and a blessed moment of privacy.

Glancing up at the mirror, I was stunned. Erection aside, I looked pretty good. My faintly defined muscles, the product of months of going full tilt on food and workouts (seemingly to no avail) stood out in stark relief against my pale skin. I really did look just a little bigger, all over. And Mr Eager down there, he looked bigger than ever, and begging to be touched. Even my balls looked a little plump.

Deciding that cleanup would be easier in the shower, I ran it and found the hot water satisfyingly plentiful -- but I decided on a warm shower instead. I was still warm from the day's walking and my bout of horny heat, so lukewarm would have to work while I pounded one out. I stripped quickly and jumped in, letting the mildly warm water run all over. There was a scrubby thing in there, so I lathered it. up and applied vigorously and began rubbing myself to get clean.

Yeah that lasted like three seconds, max. The moment my fingers brushed my newly deep abs, I lit a fire that only got worse as the rough scrunchy scraped my nipples, and then it built as I soaped and lathered up my whole body. Before I realized it, I was breathing heavily and the water felt warm and glorious against my skin as I rinsed. My dick, of course, was an attention hog, and I tossed the scrunchy aside and applied a big dollop of the body wash to my hands and began to stroke with a pressure and need I'd rarely felt. At some point I realized that I'd throbbed even larger, which meant I was well above 8.5 inches. The thought sent me over the edge, and I grabbed the shower bar with my other hand before I lost my balance, so fierce was the orgasm. Six, seven, eight shots, each feeling like a full masturbatory finale. Then two more, just to prove a point, before I finally felt sated. Breathing heavily, I watched the thick sauce spiral down the drain. Seemed like a pretty big load.

I'm not entirely sure how I kept quiet, but it felt amazing. And I finally felt less crazy horny. So I switched to cooler water, did a quick shampoo, and rinsed the rest of the soap and spooge down the drain. I dried off, thinking unsexy thoughts, and threw some gel in my hair and put some deodorant on. I could probably use a shave (surprisingly) but opted to put that off.

I was just pulling up my underwear (geez, my bulge was almost obscene) when Vic pounded on the door.

"Hurry up, man, we're supposed to be downstairs in like five minutes."

"I'll be there," I promised. I just needed to pull my new shirt on. I popped off the tag and pulled it down. It didn't look quite painted on, but it was definitely snug in the right places, despite being a size larger than normal. I finally looked like a guy who worked out. And the jeans did show off my butt and my bulge a bit. Sarah had seemed happy with them before, but that was a whole inch ago. Maybe she'd actually noticed before I did? Ugh, no time to think about that.

I ran across to the bedroom and quickly pulled on some socks and the new kicks, and stood there stupidly and vainly for a moment, deciding whether to throw on a shirt or hoody over the t-shirt. But then, Vic had opted for his new red shirt, so I went with a button down, too. I was buttoning down as I grabbed my phone and wallet, and almost ran into Sarah in the hallway when I barged out the door.

"Whoa!" she said. "You almost ran into me!"

I looked down and there she was. And I realized I was staring down at her boobs.

See, like I said, I was 5'6" at that graduation party. Erin and Vic were both about 5'9". But Sarah was 5'10, and she was wearing boots tonight. She probably hit 6 foot even, in those heels. If you like girls, and are a short guy, that's not a bad view. But in these new shoes, and with whatever was messing with me, I was seeing her perky breasts at a somewhat different angle.


"Oh! Sorry!"

She laughed it off breezily. "No worries. Just try not to slam into my boobs okay? I just got this bra."

Had she bought a bra today while we were shopping? Were her boobs looking extra perky or was it my overactive libido?

We took the subway down to Chinatown to save a little time, but it was pretty crowded, and the operator was either new or sadistic because we kept speeding up and slamming on brakes repeatedly.

The press of people meant that I was stuck clinging to a pole -- I was a little short to reach the hanging straps comfortably -- and eventually wound up in a sandwich between Vic and Sarah. Try as we might, there was no avoiding almost full body contact, on both sides.

"You're feeling pretty solid there, Mister Drew," Sarah giggled near my ear. Her boobs were pressed into my right arm, and she was using me for balance, and I could feel my penis getting ideas.

"I noticed too," Vic said, getting in on the ribbing. His arm was stretched over my shoulder onto the same pole. "Maybe that's why he was showing off his abs today."

"Funny, guys," I groused, smiling along. "At least this shirt fits."

At that moment, the train lurched and Sarah lost her balance. Without thinking, I blocked her fall with my body, my left hand gripping the pole firmly, and my right instinctively grabbing for Vic, so he wouldn't fall too. Meanwhile, his hand slipped off the pole and grabbed my shoulder. All around us, people fell or nearly fell.

"My hero," Sarah said, extracting herself. She looked a little flush from the surprise.

"Sorry to grab you like that," Vic stammered as he got his feet under him.

"No big," I answered truthfully. It really hadn't been an issue at all -- which was, itself, surprising. But I had little time to think about it, because we lumbered into the station just a moment later, and it was time to disembark.

. . .

Erin was waving at us at the exit, and she wasn't alone. Her friend was, well, hot, and she was leaning comfortably up next to him.

Almost stereotypically Italian looking, with big eyes and nose and thick black hair, and an easy smile with big white teeth. He was probably 6 foot even and in really, really good shape. He looked like a mix between a big friendly puppy and a hardcore jock.

"I bet his name is Tony," I whispered conspiratorially to Sarah. She smelled nice.

"It absolutely has to be," she chuckled. Vic just rolled his eyes.

"Hey guys, this is Antonio," Erin said.

We must have looked disappointed, because he immediately chimed in with "Call me Tony, everyone does."

"Anyway -- Tony's a friend and his roommate works in this little family joint in Chinatown, or what's left of it, so we're going there."

"Best food for five blocks," Tony promised. "Two more blocks, though, and you gotta try my uncle's place...."

As they walked confidently up ahead of us, I was distracted by Tony's tight, tight jeans. If he wore briefs, you would have seen the elastic lines, but I couldn't see any. Logically, that meant he either went commando or wore something else -- a thong or boxers, maybe.

Speaking of tight, my own jeans weren't as loose as they'd felt earlier. They were feeling downright snug.

Vic and Sarah were chatting with Erin and Tony up ahead, and I was starting to feel hot and constricted. And distracted -- everywhere we walked there was some hot Chinese or Korean guy, or a tall black girl, or lean white girl in a sexy little black dress.

I was so distracted I almost walked into Tony when they all stopped and I didn't pay attention.

"You okay buddy? You look a little out of it," the friendly stud said.

"Just hungry, I guess," And that was true.

There's nothing quite like a hole in the wall family restaurant in Chinatown in New York City. And no matter how packed it is, if you know the right people, you never have to wait too long.

Tony's friend -- Vic guessed he was named Lee, and sure enough, he called it -- quickly seated us and before we could speak, we had hot tea and some dumplings "on the house". They were amazing, so we ordered more, and more food, and spent a happy two hours there eating like only teens and twenty-somethings can. Lee's grandma ran the place, and decided she liked us, especially me.

"Dude, you're like a bottomless pit today," Vic said.

"Sorry, I've just been hungry and we've been walking all day."

Tony laughed. "Hey, it's all good. Usually Grandma Wong tries to make me eat half the menu, today she has a new victim."

"You probably don't complain much," Erin laughed. "I can just see you now going 'MORE CARBS GRANDMA, GOTTA FEED THE BEAST'--"

"That is the WORST Stallone impression I've ever heard," he replied. "Besides, she's got nothing on MY grandma."

"She thinks she's doing Arnold," Sarah teased.

I had been steadily eating all night, and I felt like I could eat more. And I didn't want to disappoint the sweet old lady -- well, sweet at our table, but apparently a terror in the kitchen -- who kept bringing food for us to try. But I was just tired of eating, and it was also getting distracting.

Because Tony was undeniably hot, and super nice and smart, even if he looked like a reject from Jersey Shore. His friend Lee looked like he'd be cast as the sympathetic young guy in a bad martial arts movie; a little bit emo, grandma's favorite boy, and competent at his job. He had great hair.

Erin, too, was a feast for the eyes. She was dressed like a New York hipster in a Woody Allen movie and pulled it off really well. Which brought us back to my two best friends, who I realized I was crushing on pretty badly. They sat on either side of me and we did our usual thing of whispering bad jokes to each other, teasing each other about stupid stuff, and generally being besties.

I wanted all of them. I wanted to stroke Lee's hair, and kiss his cheekbones. I wanted to feel up Tony's muscles and see whether his dick was as hard. I wanted to feel Erin's boobs. And Sarah's toned abs and thighs. And I wanted to see if Vic was caught up to his hot older brother yet. I wanted to do all of that, but I also wanted to lick and fuck and suck and be fucked and sucked and licked, and I wanted to always hang out with these amazing people....

The heat kept building, and I started to feel really flush. A long-fingered hand appeared on my shoulder.

"Hey, you need more water? You look a little flush." It was Lee.


"Almost right behind you. Down that little hall."


I wasn't sure if I'd successfully made it, but I quickly excused myself and darted to the (thankfully empty) bathroom. I quickly shucked my outer shirt and tossed it over the stall, then splashed some water on my face and let it run. I looked in the mirror.

Something was happening. Absolutely no doubt about it. I was almost panting, and I looked flush and a bit glass-eyed. Suddenly my whole body seemed to tense up, and then it released, and I felt just fine again.

But in the mirror, my reflection looked surprised, as it saw the too-tight shirt, the defined chest and biceps and abs visible, the uncomfortably snug pants and enormous bulge....

Everything looked just a bit bigger.
A loud bang on the door startled me, and thankfully, it derailed my horny train of thought.

“Just a minute,” I said, loudly.

My erection had subsided a bit, but I really did need to think carefully about what I wore. It was a pretty hefty looking package I now sported. My flaccid dick was the size of most men’s erect one, about 6 thick inches. It was pretty noticeable,but i didn’t have many options to downplay it.

But at least my head was clear. I quickly tidied up and exited, apologizing to the older man waiting impatiently to use the can.

Back at the table, we did the usual fortune cookie silliness, then paid the bill and began filing out, though the girls decided they needed to use the bathroom too. So us boys were left waiting outside.

“Hey, Drew?” Tony said. “I hear you’re trying to bulk up a bit.”

“Um kinda?”

“Well, looks like you have a good foundation, you got some definition going on. Young skinny guys got all the luck, man. You know how hard I gotta work to get abs like that?”

I glanced down, and realized you could see my abs through the shirt I was wearing. Was it really that tight?

“Anyway, if you wanna get some tips, I can give you pointers or just hook you up with my trainer. I’ve packed on about 25 pounds this year, all where I wanted it. And going by how much you ate in there, I”m betting you’re ready to grow.”

“Um, okay?”

He handed me a card. “Benny’s good people. I’ll be at this gym tomorrow around 4:30 if you wanna swing by. If I’m not, tell Benny I sent you. I know you’re only here a little while, but he could get you started with some basics.”

I thanked him (he seemed like a genuine nice guy), but didn’t mention that I’d spent much of my teenage life learning “the basics”. It was the genetics that were holding me back.

Until whatever THIS was kicked in.

. . .

We ended up doing the usual. Wandering around Chinatown and then LIttle Italy, grabbing some cannolis and coffee, being a little too loud, and then eventually parting ways with Tony and heading back.

Sarah quizzed her sister mercilessly the moment Tony was out of earshot.

“He’s so HOT, oh my god. His muscles!”

“I hadn’t noticed,” Erin rolled her eyes. “Yes, he’s in VERY good shape.”

“But he didn’t seem like a gym douche,” Vic offered. “What does he do?”

“He’s in school. Pre-law, believe it or not. And no, he’s not in the mafia.”

“He’s too sweet for that. He’s like a big friendly hunky puppy,” Sarah said. “Are you guys a thing? Do you want to be a thing? Have you guys bumped uglies?”

“No, I don’t know, and none of your business,”. Erin swatted back, annoyed.

“So yes, then,” Sarah teased.

“No! Wait — “ Erin was flustered. “Fine, we’ve gone out a few times with friends but were giving this a little try. And no, no sex yet.”

“Do you WANT there to be?”

Erin shot a withering glance at her sister.

“...you know before you die an old maid or whatever...”

“WHY did I invite you guys?”

“Because we’re nice and keep her out of your hair,” Vic said, laughing. “We suffer so you don’t have to.”

It went on like that for some time, but mostly I stayed quiet. I kept running through likely rational reasons for my growth, and anxiously trying to come up with explanations that made any sense. Truthfully, I was torn between being a little scared and a little excited, and my feelings were pretty complex and hard to figure out. And I was afraid they’d notice.

So when we stopped at a Duane Read, I waited outside and pretended to scroll through instagram, but really I was frantically searching google for anything like this. Apparently there’s loads of fantasy sites full of erotica about this stuff, but nothing really useful when it was actually happening to me. I closed it all when they emerged a few minutes later.

. . .

It was still fairly early, about 11, when we rolled into the house. The big plan was to hit the museums tomorrow, and i was looking forward to it. Or I had been. Anyway we crashed early (for us, at least), and Vic and I ignored each other for a while as we scrolled our phones. After about 10 minutes, I dozed off.

When I woke, it was around 3am, and I was sweating. My whole body ached like I’d been swimming or something all day. I felt gross, so I went to the bathroom and took care of the usual business there, then spent about five minutes just staring at myself in the mirror.

I couldn’t believe it. I had to be an inch or two taller, and my muscle definition had increased, as had the size of my chest and biceps, and the depth of my abs. I flexed a little in the mirror feeling stupid, but to my shock, there was a bicep showing, and it was bigger than I’d guessed.

It had to be magic, right? Nothing else made sense. But how to prove it?

If it had been the wishes...then Erin should have a car, and Sarah should have bigger boobs. Vic was already our best bud, so his request seemed redundant. Anyway I wasn’t sure how to check that.
I switched off the light, opened the bathroom door, and tiptoed quietly down the hall.


“Jesus! Don’t scare me like that!”

Of course it was Sarah. Her arms were crossed.

“couldn’t sleep either?”


“Cmon, let’s go downstairs,” she said. As she strode past me, the perpetual outside lights of the city lit her from behind. Maybe it was my increased libido, but she looked really good. She wasn’t wearing much and it seemed to be partly see-through. I recalled hearing that what you can almost see is sexier than anything you can clearly see, and near as I could tell, that was true.

We crept down the stair and over to the kitchen, grabbed a couple bottled waters, and sat at the table. From here the only real light was from the under counter lighting, which provided a soft glow.

“So is it just me or have you been acting weird lately,” she said, abruptly.

I swallowed a little hard, but managed to look perplexed. “How so?”

“I dunno. Something is clearly going on with you,” she said, fixing me with her arched eyebrow stare. I couldn’t actually see her face very well due to the lighting, but I could tell.

“Fine, I guess I will have to spell it out. Are you on drugs or something? Steroids maybe?”

I laughed just a little too loudly. I wasn’t expecting that.


“Then what? You've been tense all day. You’ve been especially weird with me, you know,” she said, toying with her bottle cap. “You haven’t looked me in the eye since we got here. Are you mad or something?”

“What? No! No, it’s just this growth spurt; it has me out of sorts,” I fibbed.

“That’s another thing, you have to be on something. You look like you have been living in the gym, and don’t think we haven’t noticed. I mean, I know you’ve been working on it, but....”

“I have not taken anything weird. I didn’t even bring the supplements Coach put me on. I thought they weren’t working. But they’re all legit legal stuff anyway. Swear.”

“I’m just saying, you suddenly look more buff. Maybe I just didn’t notice before now.”

“Maybe? I didn’t really notice until yesterday myself.”

“Hmmm,” she said, appraising me. “Maybe there was something in the water. Hell, I seem to have grown a bit myself.”

Okay, I am not thrilled with myself, but you couldn’t blame me for my instinctive reaction. Of course I looked right at her boobs. The only reason she didn’t immediately notice was that she was looking down, too.

“oh, um, congratulations?”

“Shut up.” But I sensed, rather than saw, her smile.

She paused a moment, as if considering something difficult.

“I gotta ask you something,” she said, “and no matter what you say, I’m on your side, okay?”


“So, are you, um, interested in girls?”

Whoa, I wasn’t expecting that conversation. I mean, eventually, maybe.


“Oh!” She seemed relieved.

“But maybe,” I hesitated. “Maybe not JUST girls. Maybe.” I exhaled. Somehow, a minor weight had been lifted.

“Huh. Um. Are you, like, bi?”

“Maybe? I don’t know really. What brought this on?”

“GOD you’re dense sometimes. Drew, I have been flirting with you for months now, you dope.”

Another blessing of the dim lighting was that she couldn’t see my shock or blush clearly.


“Yeah, you dummy. Here I was afraid you were just not into me, but turns out you’re just clueless.”

“I guess I am.”

“I mean, you’ve been weird forever, but especially since the big pool party. I thought I had your attention then, but you zoned out and ignored me most of the afternoon.”

“Oh, THAT party. I’m sorry. If it helps, I did notice you. But I also kinda noticed a bunch of people.”

“Oh, like Jun? He’d be hard not to notice. Hell, he might even have a chance with Erin if he wanted it.”

“Yeah, I was having some uncomfortable thoughts that day. But I did notice you.”

“Did you realize other people at the party noticed YOU?”

“I was the short white guy in a room full of Korean guys.”

“You were showing off your abs, Drew.”

“...Was I?”

“Seemed like it.”

“I noticed your abs, too.”

It was her turn to blush now.

“Did you...like them?”

“You’re pretty, Sarah. I just assumed i was in the friend zone. And I know you like the taller, beefier guys.”

“I do! But apparently i like shorter, fitter guys, too.”
I didn’t know how to reply to that, so instead I tried to offer my usually shy grin and feigned interest in the glass of water I was holding.

“Shit, did I move too fast? Oh god I’m sorry—“

“No no! I just...I’m not used to being the center of attention,” I said.

“Well,” she said, a sultry purr in her voice I’d never noticed before,”better get used to it. I mean, you look damn good. Those college kids are gonna want some of you.”

“Stop it,” I whined.

“oh, fuck it,” she said, and then she grabbed me and kissed me.

I was so shocked it honestly took me four whole seconds to respond to her intruding tongue, and three more for me to enthusiastically return the sentiment. I felt all hot and bothered, and my dick was absolutely rigid, and I was half mortified by getting boned again in front of her...and half even more turned on. We began making out in earnest, slowly ramping up our tongue wrestling and stepping up the exploration with our hands. Mine were on her tits, the first time I had ever done that, and hers were grabbing my butt and I oculi feel my erection throbbing against her stomach —

And that was when we realized that we didn’t dare do anything more. The kitchen was noisy and prone to echoes, and her bedroom was right next to her sister’s.

And the upstairs hall light flicked on.

“Heloo?” A groggy voice, belonging to Erin, asked tentatively.

“Just getting some water,” Sarah replied. And up the stairs we trudged, guiltily.

as quietly as I could, I crept back into our room,. I thought Vic was asleep, but he made an exasperated noise and rolled over angrily. Had he heard us? If so, how much?
I lay there quietly for a few minutes looking at the ceiling, trying to control my breathing. In out, in out, in, out, in...out...in...

“So did you do anything?” Vic whispered quietly.


“With Sarah.” Was it my imagination or did I detect a note of bitterness in his voice? Snark? Jealousy? Something not entirely Vic-like was there.

“No.” I whispered back. “But I think she wanted to.”

He rolled to face me. “Duh.”

“What do you mean, ‘duh’?”

“Dude, she has been staring at your ass all day.” He sounded annoyed, though it was hard to tell through the whispering.


“Yeah. Not that I blame her,” he said, even lower. But I have good hearing.


“Nothing. It’s nothing.”

I desperately wanted to explore this line of inquiry, but I was suddenly gripped by a hot sweat. And I realized whatever had been happening was happening again. Right now, when I was trying to have a whispered conversation with my best friend about whether my other best friend was into me or not and why it was pissing him off.

And oh shit, I was still springing wood. I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid to out my hands anywhere near my dick, and hoping to just ride it out or something.

I heard Vic sit up.

“No, wait, it’s not nothing. Dude, do you even know what you’ve been like lately? For a year I’ve been watching you work out and get all buff. I mean I know you’re short but you need to get over that. You’re always so down on yourself About something you can’t control. It’s hard to watch you chase something you know you will never catch.”

oh man, I was trying to focus on Vic’s words, but it was really hard. Shit, everything was hard. Mi was clenched so tight, my eyes were starting to hurt from being squinted shut. My dick, startled back into temporary flaccidness, got the hint and joined what felt for all the world like a full body erection. It was all I could do not to moan, and I had ot be sweating copiously.

“I’ve been trying to figure out whether you were ignoring her on purpose, or ignoring all the other hints and looks you have been getting, but I think you’ve just been so down on yourself because of your size that you really couldn't see it.” He continued ranting, still in a whisper but a bit stronger now.

“And then I noticed how you were acting at my party. And so did Jun.”

Oh fuck. Hot, unattainable Jun noticed I was into him? Hell, *I* hadn’t realized it until that day.

“And when he asked me I realized I didn’t really know. I mean, we never talked about it,” he continued.

Fuck, he was about to say something really important, but why NOW? I was still trying to ride out this...growth spurt or whatever it was, but it was really kicking in now, and I was sweating like a racehorse.everything was so....the opposite of relaxed, and I could feel my dick straining again.shit, why had I worn boxers? Oh right, that’s what fit. Fuck, oh man, that meant I was seconds away from my arousal being on display, and I just could not move....

“But I have to, Drew. I hope it doesn’t fuck anything up, but I have been holding this in since 8th grade...”

Shit, this time I could actually feel it, I could feel what was happening, feel my whole body sort of pulse and extend, and swell, just a bit. It was starting to feel really good....

“Dude, I have been crushing on you since I was a kid. And when Jun came out, it made me realize that I was into guys. Well, specifically you.” He sniffed. “God, I can’t believe I finally said it. I hope I didn’t fuck things up.”

I opened my eyes as the swelling reached its climax, and managed to look over, but I could barely move, I was so caught up in the physical sensation. Vic was sitting up, outlines by the ever present New York lights outside, but he was facing the door, not me. His head was in his hands. He hadn’t noticed, not yet...

“Nothing? If you fell asleep on me, I’m going to be so...”

At that moment he turned to face me.

“Drew? Are you...okay?”

I managed a faint moan, then felt the sudden presence of cool air on my throbbing, aching, straining dick.

“holy shit,” he said a little too loudly.

Fuck, I still couldn’t really move, but Vic could. I heard him shift around in his bed to get a better look.

“Dude, is that really your dick?“

I mean you have to see this from Vic’s perspective. Given what he’s just admitted and all. Crushing on me quietly for years, watching me throw myself into the gym (looking back, I was pretty decently swole even before Coach started working with me in earnest), and then on this trip I suddenly hit a late growth spurt. And apparently I make out with our mutual friend just a floor away from him while he listens. We’ve seen each other naked plenty of times, but not sexually, and so he had a vague idea of what I was packing. And how I looked shirtless. And I was already larger than average in the bait and tackle department, though nothing like I had become,

“Fuck,” he said.

And I still couldn’t really move, so I did the only thing I could think of— I shut my eyes again. Maybe I’d wake up and this would be a distant, embarrassing, dream.

“God, you are huge! “ he said. “How did I not notice that?”

I heard him get out of bed and make sure the door was locked. I just lay there, sweating and still swelling...

“You really have been getting bigger, haven’t you? Do you have any idea what you look like right now? Fuck. no, your eyes are closed. You are almost glowing with sweat and the light is making an outline of all your muscles. Fuck, you are *glistening*. You look ripped. But that thing, that is just so much more than I imagined...”

Then he crept closer and sat gently on the edge of the bed.

“Is this on purpose, for me? I mean, if I’m reading you wrong just say something. But man, I hope you don’t say no...”

I couldn’t say no. I didn’t want to say no. I was still paralyzed, and I realized, still growing. Maybe just a bit, but it was still gripping me like a giants hand, and I couldn’t move. I could barely swallow. Fuck, another pulse...

Then I felt his hand tentatively touch my underwear.

“you really should take these off, before you hurt yourself,” he said. “ Can...can I help you do that?”

He really did it. He tugged a little and lifted my waistband over the throbbing head of my apparently huge dick. The cool air surrounded me.

“Wow, man. Are you serious? Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

I couldn’t move, still, I felt every molecule of my body tense up again. But even then....I was afraid, afraid we might screw up our friendship, afraid we might pass off Sarah, afraid we might—

And just like that, he was licking on my dick, sucking me in, stroking me...I felt a spurt of pre leak out and he just said “oh” and used it to lube his stroking.

“I can’t get over how big you are. I had guessed about seven inches, but man, no wonder you didn’t say anything.” He paused to taste me again.

“Is this hot? Am I doing it right? You’re not saying anything, so I guess it’s okay...”

Fuck, I was confused and afraid and horny, and still paralyzed!

Either this wasn’t his first time giving head, or he was really talented amateur. But it’s not like I was experienced myself. And it felt amazing either way. It *was* hot. Almost hotter because I couldn’t do anything to stop it. Oh god.

And then, I felt my butt cheeks clench and one last surge — and I came rather spectacularly with a gasp. And I could move at last, finally! I lay there gasping for air.

I’d caught Vic by surprise, so his mouth wasn’t quite on my when I exploded. The result was pasted all over him, and me, and certainly the bed, and the wall, and probably the ceiling for all I knew.

“Wow, a little warning next time would be nice. But I don’t mind....” He crawled in next to me and cuddled, despite the sticky mess...

“Vic, I —“


And then he kissed me. “We can talk later.”

And like most guys on receiving their first unexpected blowjob, I passed out.
I managed a faint moan, cool air on my dick.
I woke later from what I assumed was an amazing dream about getting really buff and having Vic blow me...and realized we were still cuddling in my bed, sticky from the sweat and cum I’d shot when Vic unexpectedly came out to me and then blew me while I lay paralyzed by a magic growth spurt that kicked in after my other best friend put the moves on me in the kitchen....

Yeah, it was a lot to come to grips with suddenly.

Jesus. I really had hit the ceiling. Which was about 12 feet above us.

I cautiously extracted myself from Vic, who was still sleeping. The morning light made him look cuddly and adorable, and I wanted to stay with him, but I had to pee, and I probably needed to shower, and I definitely needed to change before the girls caught me covered in cum.

the city was already waking up outside and the light was amazing despite being broken by tall buildings. I felt fantastic...but I had to pee. And I was naked. I grabbed a pair of basketball shirt and slid them on, but they clearly no longer fit. Still, better than nothing. I found my cum-encrusted boxers and used them to wipe off the worst of it, then grabbed my towel and cautiously stepped into the hall. The house was quiet.

in the bathroom I peed as quickly as I could, studiously ignoring my obviously heftier dick, and then took stock of the fallout from my latest growth spurt. I resolved to ignore the patches of dried cum.

I was unmistakably taller, judging by where my head lined up with the mirror. And I was also much bigger, muscle wise. I made a muscle and sure enough, my biceps looked a lot bigger. I would have to get real numbers eventually....

And then, looking down, my dick. It was definitely not the same as last week. It hung thickly down the right side of my surely-larger balls, and was both thicker and longer than I was used to. It now reached the mole halfway down my right thigh. Which started to turn my engine thinking about it. And then it started to get thicker, then longer, then erect....

How big was it? Fuck!

it was longer than my toothbrush. It was longer than that by a lot, and in the distant past before this trip, it was almost the same length. Oh fuck. I looked around the room as it got larger still, and finally grabbed the shower gel bottle.

I was the same length as the shower gel bottle. That had to be over nine inches.

I heard another noise in the house, so I turned on the shower and grabbed the gel bottle, and set to the task of scrubbing myself clean.

By the time I finished, I had rubbed one out and felt like I could go again, but by this time Vic would be stirring and need to use the loo too.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed a wet washcloth and my towel.

I found Vic sitting quietly in his bed, waiting for me. He’d put his shirt back on, but there was still cum in his hair.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hey.” I didn’t know what to say or how to begin. “Shower is yours, I ...um. I guess I will clean up in here.”

“Ok,” he said. “I really do need to go, but when I come back, can we....talk?”

“Yeah, I think we should probably do that.”

“Um...okay,” he said, and then he had grabbed his stuff and was gone, while I tried to figure out whether any of my new clothes would fit me now.