just a question for gay people

stotty321 said:
hey all, i was just wondering, my bf thinks its finally time we had sex right, and he wants me to take him. and i was wondering how do peeps stop themselves from crappin on peoples dicks, i know its not nice, but i need to know b4 we have sex.

thanks in advance


lol I bet you'll get some advice on this one but in fact it is more your bf's job to "tidy up" back there for you, I believe. You as the top really don't have to do too much but provide the wood, lol.

If I'm wrong on this I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will weigh in on this!
Hmmm, curious question, stotty321. Tell us more about yourself and your situation.
As a total top, I'll refer the bottom to expert advice on the clean-out question:



Note that excessive anal douching is probably not particulary healthy, and in any event, thourough evacuation (i.e. a good, healthy crap) first is an important step.

But, I do have some advice for the top:

1) Absolutely wear a condom.

2) Properly lubricate said condom and the ass, with a condom-compatible lubricant intended for sex. The wrong lubricant can cause the condom to break, or seriously irritate the rectum.

3) If the bottom is inexperienced, or doesn't get fucked frequently, and particularly if you're thick, explore the hole with your well-lubricated fingers first. Gently open it up until you are certain it can accept your girth. (In my case, I like to be able to have 3 fingers comfortably enter together to full depth before I try to penetrate with my cock, but I'm rather thick, so use your judgement.) Experienced bottoms may be able to take even large girth without finger play first (and some people don't like being fingered at all!), but if in doubt, it's best to open it up gently than risk injury. Always be very gently until you understand what you are doing and what the bottom can take.

4) When ready, enter carefully, and go slow until you know the bottom is taking you comfortably. Add lubricant to you condom-covered cock as necessary.

5) Enjoy! Once you know what you're doing, feel free to fuck the snot out of him!
What EricBear said! As a botom kinda guy I know that some play w/fingers is good and/or just going slow going in. I usua;;y try to clean out if I think there's a chance this might happen when meeting someone. It's just nice to not have to worry about any 'surprises'.
hungcuriousnc said:
You have got to be kidding me! If you really want an answer to hygiene and anal sex, how about using some etiquette in your question text!

And the sad part is, he's not a newbie :rolleyes: .
hungcuriousnc said:
You have got to be kidding me! If you really want an answer to hygiene and anal sex, how about using some etiquette in your question text!

i was waiting for someone to say that.
Check his profile. For some 17-year-olds, fun is asking a fake question on the internet to mock the fags. After all, we know that straight people don't have anal sex. If I'm right, the proper answer to the question would be: "The same way you keep from crappin on their heads."
I had that same thought but it's a support group so I'll let it ride. But I silently read the post hearing a Beavis and Butthead snicker
*Shakes head*

It's best if some of you just keep quiet and we'll assume you don't know anything, other than open your mouth's and confirm it.

Homosexuals are not the only ones to have anal intercourse.

Rob, please hit the "DELETE" on this topic.
hungcuriousnc said:
*Shakes head*

It's best if some of you just keep quiet and we'll assume you don't know anything, other than open your mouth's and confirm it.

Homosexuals are not the only ones to have anal intercourse.

Rob, please hit the "DELETE" on this topic.

I thought the the sarcasm dripping from Matthew's comment was humorous and rather obvious

He knows my reply to him was in kind ;)
It's all good. :)

By the way, the reason I wrote this:
Matthew said:
Hmmm, curious question, stotty321. Tell us more about yourself and your situation.
was so that on the remote chance that "stotty" was for real, he would have a chance to show it. Well, he has visited the site since that and other comments were posted. His lack of response shows exactly how serious he was.

I know this is a support group, but that doesn't mean we should "support" every snot-nosed, gay-bashing little punk who comes here to mouth off.
Matthew said:
I know this is a support group, but that doesn't mean we should "support" every snot-nosed, gay-bashing little punk who comes here to mouth off.

i second that emotion.
Ok, I know people have had a lot to say about anal douching, rinsing etc. I *suppose* it works, but hey in my experience this stuff just kinda happens and all those preparations just seem kinda contrived and kill the mood. "Hey, let's have buttsechs...oh wait, I'll go douche my ass for 10 minutes while you wait for me..." Umm, NO. Let's face it, no one ever said sex isn't messy. Have a shower afterwards. I mean, the bottom should practice good hygeine, and probably not get into that situation with a full load waiting delivery, but it just boils down to common sense. If you're the bottom and expecting it to happen...have a poop, then a good thorough shower cleaning just before you go over to your boy's place. That's good enough for me (a top). And also in my experience...it doesn't matter HOW well you clean or whatever, there's gonna be little bits of mess afterwards, especially cause the lube gets in the anus and kinda makes a light brownish slop sometimes. But don't let that stop ya... nothin's for free hon... LOL
Ryan_J said:
Ok, I know people have had a lot to say about anal douching, rinsing etc. I *suppose* it works, but hey in my experience this stuff just kinda happens and all those preparations just seem kinda contrived and kill the mood. "Hey, let's have buttsechs...oh wait, I'll go douche my ass for 10 minutes while you wait for me..." Umm, NO. Let's face it, no one ever said sex isn't messy. Have a shower afterwards. I mean, the bottom should practice good hygeine, and probably not get into that situation with a full load waiting delivery, but it just boils down to common sense. If you're the bottom and expecting it to happen...have a poop, then a good thorough shower cleaning just before you go over to your boy's place. That's good enough for me (a top). And also in my experience...it doesn't matter HOW well you clean or whatever, there's gonna be little bits of mess afterwards, especially cause the lube gets in the anus and kinda makes a light brownish slop sometimes. But don't let that stop ya... nothin's for free hon... LOL
Too Much Info!!! Ewwww yucky grossss:eek: I'd think the smell would kill the mood too... you guy's have it tough:eek: