just a question for gay people

curious n str8 said:
Too Much Info!!! Ewwww yucky grossss:eek: I'd think the smell would kill the mood too... you guy's have it tough:eek:

I can honestly say I haven't had any real bad experience with the smells...but it's just another bodily smell and really just becomes part of sex. The smell is really slight anyways. If it's a real problem use scented/flavored lube, that'll cover it up.
rawbone8 said:
yeah, what's a little santorum among friends really? it just means more laundry
*** everyone screams as Rawbone8 says magic word of the day***
Pronunciation: san-TOR-um
Function: noun
1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.

rawbone8 said:
I had that same thought but it's a support group so I'll let it ride. But I silently read the post hearing a Beavis and Butthead snicker

I thought of the silly people that call Dr. Ruth Westheimer and ask if it is safe for their girlfriends to through onion rings on their standing erections.

In an an interview, she said that she always answers those questions seriously because there might be some one in the listening audience that does need the information and is too shy/frightened to ask.

Back to those onion rings... They damage condoms and frying oil is not recommended for vaginal sex.