Justin Bieber

I loved how a female ET host slammed him tonight for "being such a tough guy" with Orlando Bloom hiding behind his bodyguards. Finally someone has been saying what I've been saying all of this time. That candy ass would get his head kicked in without his body guards pulling him away from every confrontation. I'm sure he has told them to "hold me back" when he wants to act tough in public to avoid getting the shit beaten out of him. One day they won't (probably when the money runs out), or he won't have them with him and will get the beating of a lifetime like Shia Labeouf did at a Vancouver night club a couple of years ago. Especially here in Canada. We don't go as ga-ga over celebs as Americans do. He's nowhere near as popular in Canada as he is outside of Canada.

BTW - We don't want him back! You broke him, you bought him America! A bet is a bet - we won fair and square, so no backsies! :biggrin1:


I'm incapable of not finding him terribly sexy & attractive

i would say many of his detractors on this site do also

but theyre likely to try to cover there guilt by quickly adding a post, saying what a fn weak ass kid he is
watch and wait for it, guarantee the bitching moaners will have viewed every image methodically huh!!!

am figuring the only genuine haters of jb wont even venture into the thread/or esp wont bother with a negative comment duh ..
It's kinda sad knowing that if he lost his fame and fortune, everyone that hangs around him would be gone in a flash. Wonder if he has any "real" friends, or if they are all just leeches sucking away on his fame?
Truly one pathetic jerk off. The ass might be interesting if he had a hair or two on it. Maybe on his anus, but I doubt it. Supposedly he is foreskin endowed, not exactly a saving grace in my book. About the only thing about him that would bring a smile to my lips would be to see a picture of his trailer trash daddy fucking him up his ass. Short of that, please. Go get another tattoo to show me how independent you are... Blech!