Justin Hartley

Yet another one to add to the collection of not-so-Smallville Tom Welling pix. :love:

Loved the duos! Thanks for posting.
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Who is the lower body? Porn star, I guess?
I finally got to watch this episode the night before last. A friend of ours was over watching with us. When he got up to go to the bathroom, I showed my hardon to my boy. He just sat there shaking his head in mock disgust saying, "figures you'd get boned up on that scene". :redface:
Would we see more? One of my constant complaints with Smallville is how dark the indoor scenes are. That is ok for effect, but when it is scene after scene, episode after episode it gets old. The only well lit scenes are the the outdoor ones, and then they use that orange filter.
Any screen cap pics or vids of him from tonight's "Smallville," when he was in drag and jumped off the stage there was briefly some nice tighty whitey bulge sightage. :smile:

Justin and the guy you see doing the aquaman kind of role now and again sexiest guys on the show by far. Tom welling booooooooring and limp, never a good thing in a man.