Justin owen

Does anyone know the time code for this moment? I couldn’t actually find it in the video.
It's not part of the scene. It was a promotional BTS clip I think they just posted to Twitter and the adult blogs when the scene came out.

Justin Owen_Helix.mp4
Can someone give the tldr on him? He became a born again Christian?
had issues with drugs during his porn career. got collected by his religious father who put him into conversion therapy disguised as rehab, became a bible thumper
had issues with drugs during his porn career.
Do we actually know to what extent his “drug issues” were? Not to minimize whatever he had going on, and if he actually needed intervention fair due, I think it’s pretty clear they weren’t the sole issue if at all his family were trying to force him to deal with. Blaming it all on drugs reads like a bandaid fix all excuse.