Love how his fiancée keeps defending him regarding accusations of steroid use. Probably because she is juicing herself.
What triggered me was the part where she said”educate yoself”. Well I’m educated enough, at least regarding this topic. now before anyone accuses me of making baseless accusations, i know for a fact that a certain degree of muscle mass and/or definition is impossible to attain in females without sufficient levels of testosterone. For someone who is medically trained, it’s very evident when females are on cycle and when they are off cycle. increase in strength is possible, there’s no arguing that. females can get stronger than males up to a certain degree. But to reach a certain level of muscle definition and mass, they need testosterone levels that any female cannot produce naturally.
as for justin, just by looking at his current physique, he can either be juicing or not. It’s hard to tell because his current size can be attained naturally in males. The fact that he competes professionally though may be a giveaway. I have a number of friends who compete. And I’ve had patients who’ve competed. Their stories are all the same. When they don’t know you very well they will deny ever taking roids. But once they start trusting you, they’ll start telling the truth.
Anyone who competes is most probably taking steroids or growth hormones(unless the competition specifically states that it’s for natural bodybuilders only.. but even then a couple of friends have told me guys who join these aren’t really natty, they just perfectly time their cycles so that the gear won’t be detected upon testing). The reason: everyone else is taking it. The organizers turn a blind eye. If your aim is to win, then you’d better take roids too. Otherwise you’d be in a severe disadvantage.
why is there a need to lie? Wouldn’t it be better to just ignore such comments? These aren’t harmless lies btw. When you keep saying you’re natural even if you aren’t, this gives your followers unrealistic expectations. I actually admire those “influencers” who admit it. As for the others, they may be pleasing to look at, but i take any fitness advice from them with a grain of salt.