I am not a huge fan of Kegan/Tony's; I think he's attractive and I've subscribed to his OF in the past but I wouldn't say he's my favourite. But I've seen this dude meltdown on OF and Twitter in past and this whole recent name change made me worried. After reading this thread and learning about what happened to him as a teenager made me even more concerned. It sucks that this is all happening in front of an audience. I just really hope he's getting the help he needs. I'm merely a Canadian undergraduate student who doesn't know this guy at all so there's nothing I can do but idk I wish I could help in some way. To me, kegan needs some good counselling from a licensed therapist to learn how to control his manic episodes (or whatever you wanna call it). Part of me also feels like he should stop doing porn. Doesn't seem like he can mature enough to handle it.
It just makes you think about the struggle sex workers go through. Most aren't financially and/or mental stable at the start and then enter a world of drugs, money, sex, and attention. With OF and the potential to make 6 to 7 figures, I can only imagine how quickly it can spiral out of control if you don't have a good support system.