Keith Holland Jr.

OMG update.. so yes I was scammed for like the 50th time by him, chill it’s not that deep but it is money lost a LOT of money thankfully I have plenty of it.. so I will not be judged by you all. Second of all, his new stuff I bought from him… he scammed me again… but like now I won’t be buying from him again.. he’s clearly off testosterone now.. and ugh he looks so basic.. I feel scammed now.
Lol, I'd happily show more for monet xD
OMG thank you all for being supportive likeeeeee for real but seriously, I think I’m over him. It’s not so much being teased and scammed by a hot guy I don’t mind that. In fact I welcome it he’s make me want it stud!!!! But what it was, now what it was, he looks so basic now that he’s off testosterone!!!!! I feel so… ugh gave me the ick! Like honestly.. he doesn’t have that spark anymore he’s just a basic none-testosterone radiating cis-male. Like honestly? And worst off I feel I got scammed by a basic looking guy.. I’m too kind and too nice to ask for my money back. I’m like keep it hun.. you sure look like you need it now. The magic is gone huns. The world isn’t flesh colored anymore and has lost its appeal to me. Life has lost its flavor, where has it gone??? Was it ever truly there? Meaningless..
OMG update.. so yes I was scammed for like the 50th time by him, chill it’s not that deep but it is money lost a LOT of money thankfully I have plenty of it.. so I will not be judged by you all. Second of all, his new stuff I bought from him… he scammed me again… but like now I won’t be buying from him again.. he’s clearly off testosterone now.. and ugh he looks so basic.. I feel scammed now.
So weird how everyone skipped over you accusing him of using testosterone. Lol. Is there any truth to that or were you just spreading rumors?
Scammed by such a basic looking dude
Lmfao right! He used to be a 9/10 out of 10, now he's like a 6/7. Idk if it's the facial hair, or the longer hair or if he's just aging fast. But he looks so different than he did a year ago. Like I wish he would cut that mop off his head.
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OMG update.. so yes I was scammed for like the 50th time by him, chill it’s not that deep but it is money lost a LOT of money thankfully I have plenty of it.. so I will not be judged by you all. Second of all, his new stuff I bought from him… he scammed me again… but like now I won’t be buying from him again.. he’s clearly off testosterone now.. and ugh he looks so basic.. I feel scammed now.
i hope you mean it now, it's not worth it hun :sob::skull:
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OMG update.. so yes I was scammed for like the 50th time by him, chill it’s not that deep but it is money lost a LOT of money thankfully I have plenty of it.. so I will not be judged by you all. Second of all, his new stuff I bought from him… he scammed me again… but like now I won’t be buying from him again.. he’s clearly off testosterone now.. and ugh he looks so basic.. I feel scammed now.
“chill it’s not that deep” … why do people write like this? ‘Deep’… like someone might mistake it for something meaningful and profound, like poetry or art.
“chill it’s not that deep” … why do people write like this? ‘Deep’… like someone might mistake it for something meaningful and profound, like poetry or art.
I think he was trying to make himself feel better about his stupid mistake. Like how could someone be scammed 50 times before only for him to get scammed a 51st time by the same person. What's the definition of doing something over and over again expecting a different result? He's making light of his clear mental illness by saying "chill it's not that deep" which is likely why he hasn't been treated for it yet. It is, indeed...that deep. Lol. If you get scammed 51 times by the same person, you're the issue and not the scammer. I would keep taking his money too if he's dumb enough to keep send it; wouldn't you? :joy::joy::joy:
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Paying this Holland guy many times is pretty nuts indeed, but if he’s as well off as he claims, then …fine. The very-online overuse of the phrase “it’s not that deep” is just grating because 1) in this case it conflates depth of meaning with a dire financial situation and 2) it indicates the person is… susceptible to inane linguistic trends.

But I’ll stop there, because I know it’s not that deep, and I really need to chill. No cap, fr fr.
OMG update.. so yes I was scammed for like the 50th time by him, chill it’s not that deep but it is money lost a LOT of money thankfully I have plenty of it.. so I will not be judged by you all. Second of all, his new stuff I bought from him… he scammed me again… but like now I won’t be buying from him again.. he’s clearly off testosterone now.. and ugh he looks so basic.. I feel scammed now.


OMG update.. so yes I was scammed for like the 50th time by him, chill it’s not that deep but it is money lost a LOT of money thankfully I have plenty of it.. so I will not be judged by you all. Second of all, his new stuff I bought from him… he scammed me again… but like now I won’t be buying from him again.. he’s clearly off testosterone now.. and ugh he looks so basic.. I feel scammed now.
You can always post his stuff here to avenge yourself.
OMG y’all seriously?? Like honestly? I’m so done with this Holland guy. First of all, yes he’s in TEST look at the drop. He went from being a 9/10 to this now basic ass 6 he became omg I’m offended likeeeee and before you go calling me a five, like honestly? It’s not about me, I know I’m not a model I know I’m not a gym goer person, I’m just a person behind a screen blah blah blah. And trust me, whatever he sent me is not worth avenging hun. I’m currently being scammed by way hotter guys and girl don’t even, like I’m so over you wishy washy puritanical gays… like you’re the type of gay to have three hooks from Grindr in a day, and somehow you still pissy at work every day and sexually frustrated. What’s wrong? The repeat walk out in you the moment he saw you? Anyways there’s actual hit guys who provide hot content y’all but holland yeah I’m over it I actually unsuscribed and blocked him.
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OMG y’all seriously?? Like honestly? I’m so done with this Holland guy. First of all, yes he’s in TEST look at the drop. He went from being a 9/10 to this now basic ass 6 he became omg I’m offended likeeeee and before you go calling me a five, like honestly? It’s not about me, I know I’m not a model I know I’m not a gym goer person, I’m just a person behind a screen blah blah blah. And trust me, whatever he sent me is not worth avenging hun. I’m currently being scammed by way hotter guys and girl don’t even, like I’m so over you wishy washy puritanical gays… like you’re the type of gay to have three hooks from Grindr in a day, and somehow you still pissy at work every day and sexually frustrated. What’s wrong? The repeat walk out in you the moment he saw you? Anyways there’s actual hit guys who provide hot content y’all but holland yeah I’m over it I actually unsuscribed and blocked him.
Gurl get a hobby …
The shade of it all. Lmfao. You didn't have to read Keith like that. :laughing: but in all honesty, Italians age faster than others. He should bank on his beauty now while he still looks young. From 18 to 27 they're absolutely stunning and then it drops off a bit.
My time is ticking, I'm 21 and my eyes already have lines under them 😭😭😭😭