Keith laue

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I want to taste his cum so bad! Sorry to be so graphic but he drives me wild!
You shouldn't have to be sorry for saying that. This is an adult site, people should be allowed to express their adult desires with other adults. No harm, no foul!
Oh and yes, I'd love to watch! :rolleyes:
Maybe if you tell him you'll donate a significant amount to an environmental cause of his choice, he'll give you a chance to go down and taste him? :imp:
I’m all for him his Bulge his little body the body hair especially the armpits but damn dude it’s time to trash the nasty white tees with the old armpit stains. Hell I’d smell and lick his pits any day but those old dingy white tees gotta go!
:skull: @ little body
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that stupid little sway at the beginning he sways back and forth to his spot to start the dance and the over excessive edits how the camera moves and zooms makes it even more cringe! But just love to see that bulge pits and happy trail
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I wonder if he realizes his dance vids are so cringe? “Since you guys loved the last one…” like no we loved staring at your bulge.
Y’all are such haters at people enjoying themselves lol. Lust after him but you don’t have to hate, he’s just having fun. The world is negative enough