Keith laue

I imagine the wife tacking down loose shingles on the roof, or laying down insulation in the attic while he's filming these videos :rolleyes:
What kind of sweet is - it’s probably after the kid has gone to bed and the wife is doing her Holly Homemaker shit in the other room, and he’s just vibing by himself and feeling himself. I think it’s kind of cute.
I just read a great article with him talking about getting a vasectomy because of Roe V Wade. he didnt feel it was fair that the choice to get pregnant always falls on the woman and for her to have to decide between birth control and abortion. He also talks about wanting to have the freedom to have unprotected sex without the worry of pregnancy or the need for his partner to take birth control that has bad side effects. Sounds like a really cool guy.
Yeah cuz getting a girl pregnant is the only reason you were a condom... jeez..