Kidney stones?


Retired Moderator
Mar 5, 2002
I've posted this in The Healthy Penis because eventually my penis will be very much involved.

After a full day of excruciating pain yesterday I was diagnosed with a 2mm kidney stone which is in position to pass through the ureter within the next couple of days. A couple of shots of dilaudid, two more of morphine and a CT scan later, I was sent home with some Percocet and Levofloxacin.

How many of you have passed a kidney stone? What do I have to look forward to?
This happened to me about two years ago in the summer of 2004 and it was unbearable at the time but I survived and felt much much better after. As long as you have pain relief I am sure you will do okay. Make sure you watch every thing as it happens and if there is bleeding go to the hospital immediately.
I have had kidney stones six times and passed them all but one. That one required a hospital stay and a proceedure that was very unpleasant. The doctor had to "go get it" with an instrument with a "basket". He wanted to do the proceedure with just a spinal but I insisted on a general after he showed me the instrument he was going to shove up my penis.
There are less evasive ways to rid yourself of stones nowm but do everything the doctor tells you to do. I've neen told that the pain is just like giving birth. If it were up to men to carry a child, we would would have no over population problem. Good luck and drink lots of cranberry juice!!
Pecker said:
I've posted this in The Healthy Penis because eventually my penis will be very much involved.

After a full day of excruciating pain yesterday I was diagnosed with a 2mm kidney stone which is in position to pass through the ureter within the next couple of days. A couple of shots of dilaudid, two more of morphine and a CT scan later, I was sent home with some Percocet and Levofloxacin.

How many of you have passed a kidney stone? What do I have to look forward to?

Hey Pecker, I had kidney stones when I was 10 (apparently the youngest of my time, though some 8yr old bitch has taken my title since):rolleyes:

Mine were far too big to pass though, they had to go in and laser them into small pieces. You never realize how good it feels to pee, until you pass that last one:biggrin1:

Like the doctor said, couple days, you might even feel when it is close...

Hey guy, I had one ages ago - none since - and it was just as you described it - terrible pain. But that is usually because it trying to navigate the ureter. That is the painful part.
Once it gets to the bladder and passes out of the body that is very easy -- some don't even notice that you passed it -- as was my case. My doc had me strain my urine until it passed and then wanted it to examine it. Definitely watch for any unusual symptoms. Lots of fluids to flush that little pest away.

I really can relate to your situation. I had a kidney stone attack in March, and my stone was 6 mm. It caused the worst pain I have ever had. The doctor at the ER doctor gave me pain meds, told me to drink as much water as I could stand, and sent me home. I was told that my stone was moving toward the bladder and it should pass in a few days. I knew I would feel a 6 mm stone coming out of my cock, but it never did. I went to a urologist, x-rays were taken, and my stone had gone back into my kidney. My urologist said that he had never seen a stone that big go back "up stream." He was worried that it might do damage to my kidney, so I went into the hospital three days later and had the stone "blasted" with ultrasound. The procedure went well. I am stone free.

My urologist told me to drink 16 ounces of water every two hours that I am awake. Needless to say, I have become very fond of water. I want to remain stone free!

Good luck, Pecker! Hopefully, your stone will not defy gravity and flow out as it should. You may not feel it at all. My urologist told me many people pass smaller stones like yours without noticing them.

I have second hand knowledge via my best friend. He didn't know he was passing a stone, but awoke in the middle of the night with a sweat, shortness of breath, excrutiating pain and weakness in his legs. Although in his mid 30's he feared he was having a heart attack. He didn't suspect it was a kidney stone. His wife called an ambulance which took him to the ER where he was correctly diagnosed and given some meds (probably similar to you). I don't recall how long his "labour" persisted but it was more than a few hours.

He said his stone had fiercely rough crystaline spurs that made it agony for him. And he has since talked to a woman friend who has experienced both child birth and passing a stone and declared the stone to be worse by comparison. (And IICRC, women have a shorter urethra).

Make sure you have some company with you, or close by, just in case you need help.

Get well soon.
Oh, been there and done that! I've had kidney stones and they are undoubtedly THE worst pain that could ever exist. Although it was just one occurence, I had 2 stones at once. I can honestly say that passing them was the easy part, it's getting them to that point that's a pain in the........
Sorry to hear this, Pecker.

I usually don't do this kind of internet advice, but here goes:

You have the stone already and are experiencing the attendant pain. No need to tell you what you're going through: you know it better than anyone. It's good to see you're on pain medication. This is important not only to provide relief but is also an important part of the therapy.

Once the episode is over, please make sure you're fully apprised of what changes you need to make to your diet -- as well as increasing the amount of fluids you ingest. And, then, get the doctor to confirm the type of stone you passed. More than likely, it's calcium-based and there are good effective ways to prevent it from recurring.

Good luck, amigo! You're in our thoughts.
Pecker said:
I've posted this in The Healthy Penis because eventually my penis will be very much involved.
How many of you have passed a kidney stone? What do I have to look forward to?

Pecker...I've experienced this event 2 times in the past several years. The second time came with multiple attacks, so here's my best advice. Keep the fluids going and the pain meds handy. The stone will pass or disappear eventually. You will probably not even notice the part involving your penis. It's the passing through the ureter that hurts so much. My second one was 4mm and I never even saw the damned thing. I learned that sometimes they just break up and pass un-noticed. Go to the ER if you have another attack uninhibited by your pain pills. My pills never did the job and I returned to the ER for relief. The best pain management is there.

I hope you feel better soon. Good luck, Man.
OMG...what bleak information. I just hope the pain meds make the passing tolerable. I thought that stones could also be broken up with ultrasound therapy then passed, but maybe that was for gall stones only? Anyway Pecker, like everyone else out here, I hate the thought of you dealing with this medical condition, but the bottom line is that other men have gotten through it just fine. We're part of the Pecker Support Group!
chaz7491 said:
Hey guy, I had one ages ago - none since - and it was just as you described it - terrible pain. But that is usually because it trying to navigate the ureter. That is the painful part.
Once it gets to the bladder and passes out of the body that is very easy -- some don't even notice that you passed it -- as was my case. My doc had me strain my urine until it passed and then wanted it to examine it. Definitely watch for any unusual symptoms. Lots of fluids to flush that little pest away.
I had the same experience, and I had to pee through a funnel to catch the stone so the doc could tell me what it was made of. Drink lots of purified low mineral water (Or if it hurts a lot take your drugs and drink something stronger)

PS Be careful, good luck
OMG Pecker. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. I've had one (1) in my lifes entirity. Mine was small, THANK GOD, so I don't have quite the story of utter excruciating pain. I would have to compare it to tearing you cornea crossed with smashing a fingernail with a waffle hammer. Except that it isn't your finger or eye. And I had only 1 stone. Regardless of that, Best of Luck and Wishes to you, and I hope it goes as well as it possibly can. I truly hope it doesn't become a recurrent thing for you either.
It's over. Thanks for your encouragement, everybody.

Anti-climactic, really. Once the damned thing left the kidney the only pain I had was a little residual soreness and a couple of days of urgency to pee. The stone passed with no pain.