Kidney stones?

I recently had a kidney stone, and received some of the worst hospital treatment ever, no CT scan, no xrays, just a bottle of pain killers, 3 weeks later the pain stopped after I finally got in to see a specialist (urologist) who immediately sent me to another hospital to get ultrasound or shockwaves or whatever the hell it was, point blank kidney stones suck, the pain is immense, but it will eventually pass, then afterwards you can enjoy peeing into a jar for a full 24 hours so that they can analyze what might have caused the issue. Enjoy the percs and best of luck.
..had one about a year ago, doctor said that males in warmer climates ( i live in hawaii) are especially prone, (small pee hole compared to woman and more concrentated pee (mineral deposits) since sweat alot). Mine was rice shaped and seemed to be stuck between my kidney and bladder, worry was that it could block the flow from the kidney and cause kidney damage. They usel lipotripsy (ultra sound). Even though i didnt experience much pain from the stone itself, they had to put a tube up my penis all the way to the kidney to prevent the tube from swelling shut from the ultra sound trauma. So for 10 days it felt like i needed to piss every monment and when i did w felt like i needed to push something out of me. It was an immediate relief when they pulled out the stint...

Soooooo, like the rest of u that have been through with this i too like water more than ever before....
Jeez there, Peck. I've heard about these things b4, but never knew anyone who who had it done. I mean, you literally pissed out a pebble----YEOUCH!!! :yikes:

Here's hoping Mr. Happy is feeling better soon.:wink: