Klwhick (keegan whicker)

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Expectation (What he posts of himself) vs. Reality (What other people post of him)
One can deduce from your post that you're implying the second photograph is in some way reductive compared to the first photograph.

Quite frankly this comes across as unnecessarily cruel, bitter and a waste of your time, energy and effort which seems predetermined to put others down as a means of making yourself feel better.

Both photographs depict a very attractive man. To those without a negative agenda, the former photograph is obviously a more 'posed-for' photograph, whereas the latter photograph is a more candid, in-the-moment photograph, which humanises Keegan's profilic modelling portfolio without diminishing his attractiveness.
One can deduce from your post that you're implying the second photograph is in some way reductive compared to the first photograph.

Quite frankly this comes across as unnecessarily cruel, bitter and a waste of your time, energy and effort which seems predetermined to put others down as a means of making yourself feel better.

Both photographs depict a very attractive man. To those without a negative agenda, the former photograph is obviously a more 'posed-for' photograph, whereas the latter photograph is a more candid, in-the-moment photograph, which humanises Keegan's profilic modelling portfolio without diminishing his attractiveness.
Literally didn’t say any of that, that’s all on you for assuming. But go off lmaooo

My point was he clearly edits his pictures. I didn’t say or imply anything about him not being attractive. That’s always been my stance for years in this thread. Go back and read the threads before you try it, obviously you’re new here lmaooo
Literally didn’t say any of that, that’s all on you for assuming. But go off lmaooo

My point was he clearly edits his pictures. I didn’t say or imply anything about him not being attractive. That’s always been my stance for years in this thread. Go back and read the threads before you try it, obviously you’re new here lmaooo
that's a weird thing to care about though
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