Klwhick (keegan whicker)

Before or after he completely alters his face?
if you hate him so much why not do something different with your time than be an asshole on the internet? I agree that he edits his photos. But you're expending so much negativity when you could be somewhere else being nice and loving. yeesh
if you hate him so much why not do something different with your time than be an asshole on the internet? I agree that he edits his photos. But you're expending so much negativity when you could be somewhere else being nice and loving. yeesh
Or perhaps you can stop rewarding basic white mediocrity, especially when it’s fake.
Lol too bad Keegan doesn’t fit into your world. Just because he’s muscular doesn’t mean he’s masculine. Sorry if you’re here to get off on straight acting muscle guys because this isn’t the tread for you. Keegan is queer and isn’t scared to show it. He has queer friends and they dress up in wigs, dresses, and heels and it’s amazing to see. We have come too far for you to shit all over that. We’re queer and we’re proud. And if you don’t like it, you can gtfo.
Lol too bad Keegan doesn’t fit into your world. Just because he’s muscular doesn’t mean he’s masculine. Sorry if you’re here to get off on straight acting muscle guys because this isn’t the tread for you. Keegan is queer and isn’t scared to show it. He has queer friends and they dress up in wigs, dresses, and heels and it’s amazing to see. We have come too far for you to shit all over that. We’re queer and we’re proud. And if you don’t like it, you can gtfo.

Lol too bad Keegan doesn’t fit into your world. Just because he’s muscular doesn’t mean he’s masculine. Sorry if you’re here to get off on straight acting muscle guys because this isn’t the tread for you. Keegan is queer and isn’t scared to show it. He has queer friends and they dress up in wigs, dresses, and heels and it’s amazing to see. We have come too far for you to shit all over that. We’re queer and we’re proud. And if you don’t like it, you can gtfo.
You don't get to tell me what I find attractive. I don't want to see a grown man prancing around in heels, make up and a wig. But I'll stay for his nudes.

Don't bother replying to this either, we don't need you to derail the thread with any more of your little tantrums.
You don't get to tell me what I find attractive. I don't want to see a grown man prancing around in heels, make up and a wig. But I'll stay for his nudes.

Don't bother replying to this either, we don't need you to derail the thread with any more of your little tantrums.
Hunny I’m not telling you what to like, I’m just saying you’re not going to find that here. You can get off here and go somewhere else to find what you want. Because here, there be QWEENS
It's different and you're a fan and you're disappointed in him charging too much or if he's changed his business model. From the sounds of it you're not a customer or s fan. You just don't like the guy for being himself, so what's the point?

It's like going to a flower shop and complaining that you want to buy roses but they are too much like roses. This is a gay guy who likes to do feminine shit. There are plenty of hot gay guys out there who are more masculine and hate fags just as much as you do, so why not spend your time and energy seeking them out?

Just seems kind of sad that you hate him being feminine so much that you need to come here and shit post. That's the best way to spend your time?