Korean Spa

Meaning what?

How do you present yourself in front of the others? Are you too aggressive, annoying, persistent, etc? Of course I don't know you and I'm not judging, but if people are not inclined to do you anything with you, it probably is because of something that you are doing---and probably unbeknownst to you.

I can honestly say that if someone is annoying (e.g. constantly getting in the way of others trying to have fun, sparking up conversations when it really isn't "time" to talk, etc.), I will not even want to be bothered. This has nothing to do with race.
How do you present yourself in front of the others? Are you too aggressive, annoying, persistent, etc? Of course I don't know you and I'm not judging, but if people are not inclined to do you anything with you, it probably is because of something that you are doing---and probably unbeknownst to you.

I can honestly say that if someone is annoying (e.g. constantly getting in the way of others trying to have fun, sparking up conversations when it really isn't "time" to talk, etc.), I will not even want to be bothered. This has nothing to do with race.

Yea that
You seem to be bashing most places while virtually everyone else posting is sharing positive experiences. You need to ask yourself why is that!
No, I am not one of those annoying and/or creepy guys.

I see plenty of guys -- including Asians -- beeline straight to the back of a steamroom, make unwanted advances or touches, try to get into action, etc. I'm hypersensitive of being grouped in with them; in fact I hate them.

I am NONE of these things. In fact, there is a physical threshold in Century that I rarely pass -- for those of you who are aware of the layout, I basically do not round the corner of the steamroom nor the patio.

I have not bashed anyone -- just sharing my experience. Good and bad.

@miamirt has admitted having one massage months ago. I have had over a half dozen this year. All I said was that wet room is usually full with three patrons and three masseurs and the type of action he described was improbable in that situation. I never said he was lying. I never bashed him. I never passed any judgment.

As for @clubcruiser, he and I were actually at the same Vegas spa at the same time and he confirmed everything and all the people that were there. There were hot guys and there were creeps like the ones you mentioned above. Just because I paint an unfavorable picture of a place doesn't mean it's not an accurate one.

Finally, as the old saying goes, your mileage will vary. If you are a hung white male your experience will be very different from mine. In fact -- and anyone who goes to some of these spas will confirm this -- some of the biggest creeps are hung white men (I'm just using them as an example, not calling them out).

They will beeline to the back, squeeze themselves into a spot where there is no room, touch inappropriately. But just because they're hung and white, their behavior is tolerated or even seen as "hot," whereas someone else may be seen as "annoying."

Just open your eyes and see how different patrons are treated. There are certainly some that enjoy privileges others do not. And there are some who are treated outright rudely (having guys roll their eyes at them, clearing rooms) simply for their race.

There's nothing aggressive, annoying, or creepy about entering a room, not sitting near anyone and not leering at any one.
I've been to Island Spa a number of times. The wet area is constantly monitored. The steam room and mist sauna have a clear glass wall so anyone in the area can see what is going on. Overall, it's a great place, just be very cautious.
Thanks for the info. Appreciate it
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I've been to Island Spa a number of times. The wet area is constantly monitored. The steam room and mist sauna have a clear glass wall so anyone in the area can see what is going on. Overall, it's a great place, just be very cautious.
Very very nice spa. Men’s area is NOT a safe place to play
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Anyone ever get a massage or scrub at GJ grand spa or Descanso?

The scrub in CJ Grand Spa is right in the middle of the spa, just next to the steam room.

I don't think I've actually seen anyone getting one -- maybe once or twice.

Descanso is super far for me and it's always been dead there for me.
Anyone ever get a massage or scrub at GJ grand spa or Descanso?
I got a scrub at CJ. Was OK, just a half curtain separating the scrub area from the rest of the wet areas. Felt like I was on display.