Kris has a unique looking mug. I would'nt say unattractive but definetly not a pretty boy..What some say he lacks in great looks is his killer body..I guess he can afford to be somewhat of a liquid freshener for a women's vagina..I think they had a lot of fun filming that money making farse of a wedding. You might call these Kardashian women whores, fame mongers,trash or anything defined as negative but who has made millions and millions doing what everbody expects them do ? A lot of people are watching their shows and enjoying them a lot. I tune in once and a while..Now the biggest loser on the show in my opinion is that lush Scot. Put a little liquid courage in him and i bet he swings for the other team every chance he get. His clothes are atrocious,the slicked back hair, the way he talks, well you get the picture..