False. LPSG does not punish users who share content from OnlyFans pages when it is reported unless that content has SPECIFICALLY been listed as prohibited. If a takedown request is received, they will take the content down. The user will NOT be banned.
The only mention of OF in the official rules prohibits the offer to share OF content privately, or requesting someone DM you OF content privately.
In regards to copywright, the rules state you will not use LPSG for any purpose other than as offered by us, including using LPSG in any way that is prohibited by these Rules or any applicable law, regulation, or treaty, including
- Intellectual property right laws protecting patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and any other intellectual property right, including making, obtaining, distributing, or otherwise accessing illegal copies of copyrighted, trademarked, or patented content, deleting intellectual property right indications and notices, or otherwise manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of content you post, share, or upload.
The sharing of copywritten content on this site falls under the margins of fair use unless otherwise challenged, which again would result in the content being taken down by LPSG and NOT the banning of accounts.
But then nobody has once refused to share content they've paid for on OF stating the reasoning of worrying that their account will be banned.