Me thinks Ethan had a little thing for Labib, can’t blame him tbh.
The way Ethan rubbed Labib’s back, I don’t blame him lol.

Although, too be far, they were really close friends at one point so it could also be that their relationship was platonic. They ran a YouTube channel together at one point.
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Anything on this hot stud. He was part of the FBE React series but after the whole racist scandal that happened almost two years ago, he is seems like he is mostly focusing on his YouTube and MMA career
What racist scandal? I thought all the OG reactors left due to the whole copyright situation
I remember he stated in a few YouTube video that he has never been in a relationship. Not even a girlfriend. I’m surprised that no girl or gay guy has not yet taped that. I wonder if he is asexual if that’s the case. Anyways, here is some picture of him looking fine.
He dated mikayla another reactor from the channel.
What racist scandal? I thought all the OG reactors left due to the whole copyright situation
Long story short, a view the Fine Bros did with Shane Dawson resurfaced around the time Shane was getting cancelled and basically they made a Degrassi parody that included a lot of races and ableist jokes. In addition to that, the Fines and Shane created a character new HeyItsMilly and most of the jokes they made from included a lot of inappropriate and offensive jokes.
Long story short, a view the Fine Bros did with Shane Dawson resurfaced around the time Shane was getting cancelled and basically they made a Degrassi parody that included a lot of races and ableist jokes. In addition to that, the Fines and Shane created a character new HeyItsMilly and most of the jokes they made from included a lot of inappropriate and offensive jokes.
This twitter thread does a better job explaining the HeyItsMilly controversy: