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Jeeze I've sent the link to about 100 people now. Guess his thirst trapping is really working for you guys...

Guess everyone else went quiet because there's no point after you've seen everything.
tbf... I don't really think it is any one person's "fault"... reddit don't take nobody's shit...
I love how he posts a pic . Then goes . Hopefully twitter doesn’t delete it ( about his thirst trap ) . Haha twitter doesn’t delete nudes , he deletes himself so people keep coming back lol
My guess is you but I love it.

Hahaha I think Lachlan is the one that would post something himself and then tweet asking who did it, but honestly I wouldn't attack his appearance like that. Not nice even though he is a twat.
He keeps coming by this thread to have pics removed but I've sent a collection of 190 of his deleted pics and videos to 88 people now. You can't delete that!
can I get in on this too?
He keeps coming by this thread to have pics removed but I've sent a collection of 190 of his deleted pics and videos to 88 people now. You can't delete that!
tried to message you to see if I can get in on this, but it didn’t let me.
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