
Cherished Member
Jun 21, 2024
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Let me introduce myself. I am the Lady FitzWilliam of Henshaw in the county of Surrey. Being a widow of around 60 in this year of 1813, I do as I like. I pay my staff twice what they would receive in any other house in the county and so they permit me my my foibles, such as they are, uncomplaining.

As far as my looks are concerned, I am tolerably pretty for a woman of my age. I pride myself on a good head of grey hair, fine skin that has barely seen the sun and a figure that is full but not unattractive and looks well in the gauzy dresses so in fashion at the moment. My breasts may be too large for the flat look younger girls are fond of but as a woman of a certain age, they suit me.

Having been married to an odious man -- albeit shockingly wealthy -- for forty years and more, a marriage that was almost entirely loveless, both spiritually and physically, I am now free to spend the prodigious fortune he left me when he died this twelvemonth exactly as I see fit. We had no children -- thank the Lord! -- and no important family and so I am at leisure to spend without fear of censure.

Since his demise, I have transformed Heaton House, his family home and now mine to do with as I will, out of all recognition and not only in terms of decoration and luxuries. Gone are the fussy housemaids and judgemental housekeepers I had to bear during my husband's lifetime and in their place I have installed a legion of young, handsome, well-built servants and gardeners and stableboys, all ready to cater to Lady FitzWilliam's every whim.

The only woman in my employ -- for propriety's sake -- is my lady's maid, Sarah, a woman in her late 60s, who has been with me since my marriage and who is something of a confidante. She, like me, is enjoying the new freedoms the death of Lord FitzWilliam has allowed me to indulge.

My butler is the perfect example of the unorthodox way I have decided to run my household. Butlers are, by tradition, elderly gentlemen in English country houses such as this but what use would I have of an elderly man disapproving of me beneath a veneer of civility? Instead I have installed Bentley, a fine-looking 30-year-old man who manages my house much better than any superannuated career servant, while the rest of the staff are young men exclusively in their teens and twenties. I like to be surrounded by youth and beauty and with the fortune I have been left, can afford to do so.

Even while in mourning for my departed husband -- black looks well on me so I was in no haste to come out of it -- I gave notice to all the staff who had served him that their services were no longer required and that they should seek alternative employment elsewhere. Meanwhile, I posted advertisments in towns and villages somewhat away from the local area that I was looking for young men for positions in Heaton House. Education was not a priority but rather I was looking for obedient young men of good looks, good temperament and -- most importantly -- impeccable discretion. And as I was paying a fortune in comparison to equal positions in other houses, there was much interest in the posts I had to offer.

It was a Monday, I remember, when I sat in the main salon, a beautiful room of ornate furniture and mirrors, which looks out over the grounds of Heaton -- formal gardens giving way to fields of sheep and eventually woodland - waiting for Sarah to bring in the young men -- and they were several - for interview. The first to present himself was Bentley, a young man with excellent experience in houses of good repute and good connections who acquitted himself well in his initial interview. He had black curly hair tied in a fashionable ribbon, a dark complexion and prodigious good looks: his lips were full and red, his eyes flashed with mischief while his beard was so vital I could almost feel it growing in front of me.

'So, Bentley,' I said. 'You are young to take the role of butler. What makes you think you could satisfy a woman of my demands?'

He smiled -- a lovely smile, beautiful teeth -- and answered without hesitation, 'I would be attentive to all of madam's needs and would ensure that all staff took every care to satisfy whatever my lady demanded. I may be young for the post of butler, but I have confidence in my ability to inspire the very best of anyone so privileged as to be serving my lady.'

I liked the answer and I liked the look of the man but was almost nervous to ask for what I really wanted of a young man in my employ. But I summoned my courage and asked, 'Would you mind removing your jacket? After so long surrounded by dusty servants, I am desirous of youth and beauty and... free thinking.'

He did not hesitate, not even for a moment, and removed the heavy jacket to reveal a fine muslin shirt that sat well on his torso. I gave appreciative sounds and looked at Sarah, who clearly liked what she saw. 'I'm afraid it's an eccentric request,' I said to the handsome young man in well-packed breeches and shirt, 'but would you object to removing the shirt for me, Bentley?'

'Not in the least, Madam,' he replied and again without hesitation, he took the shirt at the bottom hem and lifted it over his head until I was presented with the sight of a beautifully tanned muscular body, peppered with hair across the chest and in a line from his navel that reached down across a flat stomach and into his breeches. I asked him to turn. He did without hesitation. I looked at Sarah for her opinion. Her raised eyebrows were all the answer I needed.

'And if I asked you to unbutton your breeches, would you find it an impropriety?' I said to the handsome young man before me.

'Not at all, madam. You need only to state a desire for it to be satisfied.' I liked the way the man spoke. And as he spoke, he unbuttoned the breeches and - it felt to me that he was relishing the moment almost as much as I was - allowed them to fall to the ground. In front of me now was a man in just undergarments with legs that were sturdy and hairy. In the loose undergarments I could detect the shape and heft of a penis that was everything a lady could desire in a butler.

'And would it be proper if I asked you to remove your undergarments so I may inspect you at my leisure?' I asked.

'Not at all, madam,' he answered, opening the button on his undergarments and letting them slide down the legs. The penis, as I had expected, was thick and meaty. The only penis I had ever seen to that moment had been the disappointing member of the late Lord FitzWilliam. This was a different creature altogether and I trembled inwardly at the sight of it.

'Please step forward,' I said, summoning all the authority I could in a situation that had heretofore never presented itself to me. And the young naked man did... until this penis in question was in front of me. I let my eyes travel up his body -- the line of hair from his pubic area to his navel, his broad chest covered in black fur with two red nipples standing out, his face, so handsome and sweet as he looked down at me without shame.

'Please, madam, take my member in your hand if that would please you,' he said. He had no idea how much it would please me to touch the beautiful penis -- its head peeping from its foreskin -- and so I reached forward and took it in my hand. Even soft like this it was heavy.

'If my lady would like to see it in a more vibrant state, she has only to pet it a little,' he said, smiling down at me as I held his penis in my hand, the first impressive penis I had seen in my life. I squeezed it a little and felt it respond. I travelled my hand up and down so that the foreskin slipped over the head and back again and could feel a definite stiffening. Looking down, I even noticed a teardrop form at the little eye at the end of the penis. Just moments of this and the penis was standing erect, almost against Bentley's stomach. I looked up at him. He was smiling.

'I'm fortunate to respond easily to the touch of a fine lady,' he said to me. 'The very silkiness of my lady's skin is aphrodisiac to me.'

Having never had a working man naked in front of me, I had expected there to be a smell, but Bentley had just a light manly musk to him, a fragrance that I found to be highly arousing. I moved my face nearer and breathed in the intense flavours of his groin: his balls, his pubic hair, the head of his penis... they all smelled delicious to my starved nostrils.

'If my lady would like to taste, I would not find that inappropriate,' said Bentley, so formal and yet so risqué. I had never put my mouth on a member before in my more than 60 years -- I had never been tempted to do such a thing with Lord FitzWilliam, never really knew it was a common practice -- but at the suggestion, I felt an intense desire to taste this young man's penis. I looked towards Sarah who had a look that mixed delight and envy.

Grasping it firmly in my hand, I angled it towards my mouth and, looking up into Bentley's smiling face, put my tongue to the tip of it. Licking the teardrop from the slit, which tasted salty yet sweet, I heard a light moan from the man's whose member this was. I took this as an invitation to go further and taking the head of the beautiful penis into my mouth, heard even more approval from above.

The feeling of this young, meaty cockhead in my mouth was ecstasy to me and so I decided to take more of this beautiful man's penis into my mouth, feeling it on my tongue and at the entrance to my throat as I heard him moan and as I weighed his heavy balls in my hand. I felt a gentle hand at the back of my neck -- an impertinence in any other situation, to be sure -- as he guided my head onto his penis, moving it in and out of my mouth in the most sensuous fashion.

Then, as his movements became more urgent, he removed his penis from my mouth and said, 'My apologies, madam, but your skills are such that...' and with that, a spurt of semen shot against my face. Then another. Dripping down towards my mouth.

'I'm so sorry, madam,' he was saying, even while the sperm continued to spurt from his penis towards my face. 'I couldn't hold back any longer...'

The truth is, I was shocked. Not at the idea that a young man as beautiful as this should ejaculate onto my person but at how much I enjoyed it. My body felt alive as I felt his ejaculate drip down my face to my mouth. Putting my tongue out, I tasted the sweet, salty, almost effervescent liquid... and it was more delicious than any delicacy I had been presented with in any house in the country.

Removing a handkerchief from my sleeve, I wiped whatever remaining sperm there was on my face as the young Bentley squeezed the remaining droplets from his penis. 'Please forgive me, madam,' he was saying though I was electrified by the whole moment: his penis in my mouth, the feeling of his seed hitting my face, the taste of it.

'Pay it no mind,' I told him. 'You have performed most excellently and I would like to offer you the position of butler forthwith. If you would be minded to accept it.'

'Oh, madam, there could be no greater honour for me,' he said, as he stepped into his discarded undergarments, 'than to serve a great lady and make sure she was satisfied at all moments.' As he buttoned his breeches and picked up his shirt he said, 'And would madam like me to vet the many young men who have come to seek positions so that my lady only needs to examine the very finest among them? I think I have a good idea of the qualities my lady is seeking in her staff from this interview.'