Lasting too long?

My wife is usually amazed at how much control I have. If its getting late during 'work' nights, I'll get her off in about 20-30 minutes and finishe with her. If we have a lot of time to play with, 2-3 hours is no problem. My personal longest time with an erection before cumming was just under 5 hours. Unless you are counting cumming, staying hard, and continuing on ?
Five hours is common for me also but not with the wife -- she is not accustomed to sexual activity of that duration -- for me was just a test of how long I could last while masturbating without edging or other techniques to postpone cumming. If you experienced what I did in these 5 hr jaunts, you had a volcanic long distance eruption with incredible volume that had a recoil action that really did hurt but was a super pleasurable hurt also.
Do you guys produce any pre-ejaculate at all during these long sessions? I can't go nearly as long as you guys, but 60-90 minutes is not that uncommon. I notice that I seem to produce little (if any) pre-ejaculate though.
Aplus said:
Do you guys produce any pre-ejaculate at all during these long sessions? I can't go nearly as long as you guys, but 60-90 minutes is not that uncommon. I notice that I seem to produce little (if any) pre-ejaculate though.

that's fine.
Happy Hammer, sorry I missed this post, I don't come to this section all the time. In my thread about taking a long time, I was disappointed that it went straight to talking about drugs, which I know is not the case for most of the men I've met, and probably not any of them.

Everyone is just very different. The first one I met like this was a pilot. He was around 37-38 well built, physically fit. He could last indefinitely, usually several hours, while I would cum over and over. He would end up jacking off, very hot! Since then I have met several others ranging in age from 20 to 45, it seems to be just how some men have conditioned themselves to have sex. As long as they're having fun, I sure am too. I stopped questioning it, but was just curious how many others had run into such a thing or experienced it themselves.

I've also now met several guys who are able to get off in under 30 minutes, but go for rounds 2, 3, 4 or as many as they want. This is more rare, especially after round three, but I do know a couple who seem to be able to go on indefinitely. One guy went sixteen rounds, ejaculating at least something each time. He was mid 30's and not particularly a fitness freak. We were both dead after that, I couldn't have even tried! That was over the course of 22 hours.

One thing is for sure, most men who have this issue KNOW they are different. Their partners have at some point expressed frustration with not being able to take the size, or the length of time involved in fucking. I would have almost believed it was a size related issue, but I met a guy a few years ago that was about 5.5 and did the same thing- got off after a ferocious romp and just kept going for another two more hours.

Happy Hammer, guys like you rock, just keep eating your Wheaties!
Thanks Madame!

When you first experienced this, did you think that you might be doing something wrong? I ask as many girls think this. I have to reassure them that it's not them and to relax and enjoy!
Oh yeah, definitely! I took some convincing that I just wasn't exciting enough for them but once I got a few call-backs from the first guy I realised that's just how he fucks. It's been a lot easier to accept from the ones I've met more recently. Now I think guys like that are jewels!
I also seem to have similar experiences. I dunno how it came about but with my last girlfriend I lasted on average an hour or more. The only difference I have is when I do seem to actually get close to climax the condom would tend to break, and I never could figure out why. Anybody else have the same problem?
my personal experience is that I take a long time to cum, but I think it is more size related than anything else. I have to go very slowly with a woman and I can fit all of myself inside her. A travesty I know <sarcasm>.
For me, it depends how well I know the person I'm having sex with. If it's a first time, or an sexual interlude with a time limit, I can last up to maybe five-15 minutes after I get all inside. If it's somebody I know well, I can last an hour or more. I precum a lot, during making out, foreplay or during's sort of constantly flowing. So I guess the time I last is at least partly a measure of how comfortable I feel with my partner. (I just like the feeling of being inside, warm and's almost as sweet as orgasm.)