Late Growth Spurts?

thanks everyone for the replies.
it's interesting to note that it seems like it's common for growth to occur in girth and the balls in the early 20's. any explanation for this? is it well known that the balls grow later?
i found that my dick only really started growing in university, it was about 6 all through hischool.. and then once i hit university, i notced my dick got an inch and a bit my first 2 years and then i lost some weight and found some more cock hidding underneath i guess. but I was happiest when my dick stopped going so small when i was soft.. it was like 3 inches soft but no girth at all... and now it is more of a check-er-outer in my opinion:rolleyes:
I grew suddenly when I was in high school. Literally, I went from being pretty average to way over average in a period of about 1 year - from about age 15 to 16. My friends and my doctor noticed. I used to get teased a lot in the high school locker room and the dorm. Not really mean teasing, but mostly just usual teenage humor. I did get pissy about it sometimes.

In college, I noticed growth mostly in my balls. They got much larger and my nut sack got much looser and hung lower.
Well Sorcerer said looks like my pole is still growing and tell you what I was 7" soft and now its like 8" soft and my erections seem bigger at 9 1/2" so maybe I am...must be my workouts! Damm! Sorcerer I think your right! Jose'Latinoboy9:cool:
My penis started to grow very slowly, but around the age of 20 it grew faster. I don't know exactly, but I think it has grown a little bit in the last half year
mine started growwing when i was 12 (some4 inches hard then) and stopped when 15 at 6 inches - i also would like it an inch-two bigger
There should be much more participation in this threat. 80 percent of the guys on here grew three or four inches the moment they filled out their LPSG profile
Hung Low in Thiva said:
There should be much more participation in this threat. 80 percent of the guys on here grew three or four inches the moment they filled out their LPSG profile

Speaking from experience, eh?
I am not sure I had a growth spurt after 18, but I can tell youI have had a few inches in me since I was 18. I think that stopped after I turned about 24 and realized that it was nicer to be on top of the world as Leonardo Di Caprio once said.

None the less, I have friends who have grown after 18 and all the way into their 20's.

Consider yourself a lucky bitch if you grow at all after 20 or 30.
Yeah, had the same thing happen to me, experienced a growth spurt last year at age 20, over an inch, and also have grown about an inch and a half taller since then... I went to my doctor and my growth plates aren't fully closed yet, so there could be more growth in the're probably in the same boat.