Originally posted by Stefman@Jan 10 2005, 05:25 PM
"I think i have scar tissue at the top of my foreskin.
...sex is occasionally painful for me as the foreskin does not come down over the head of my penis very easily and makes sex painful and awqward at first.
i know that getting circumsised would solve this, but i dont want to get circumsised...
... i cant keep going on with sex being painful, is there anything that i could do apart from circumsicion that would get rid of this scar tissue, or is it possible to get part circumsised so i can just get rid of the scar tissue?"
Stefman, check with a urologist about the various options for circumcision.
There's more than one way to correct foreskin situations which cause discomfort.
For example, a procedure called a "dorsal slit" is but only one option which is simply cutting the foreskin just enough so as to allow it to slip backwards (from over the glans) more easily. Whether this would work for you I couldn't say. But a urologist could. He can also answer the matter about the scar tissue factor you mention.
What I'd like to stress to you (and other men) is that circumcision need not leave you with NO foreskin at all. There are various techniques which will SAVE some of the foreskin and if saving it is important to you, that should be respected. Don't let an MD (ANY MD ! tell you otherwise either! If one urologist recommends a total removal of foreskin (against your wishes) then get another opinion. And, seek yet another (if necessary) until you do find a urologist who WILL listen to you.
Yes, it IS that important a matter because after all... it is YOUR penis.
Rarely does a man need all of his foreskin removed.