Lbadderz - Roadmen Blowjobs

Someone posted all of his videos on XTube but Iā€™m assuming he caught wind of it as they have all since been removed. Iā€™ve seen all of the vids up to and including whatever was posted in January.

My observations/two cents:

1.) A good number of the guys have to jack themselves off to cum. He isnā€™t sucking all of them from limpness to climax.

2.) He does meet up with a lot of different guys, but he also recycles many of them and simply promotes them as having a different identity. Several of the guys he promotes as new ā€œArabā€, ā€œJamaican,ā€ and ā€œSomaliā€ are but one and the same guy from each ethnic/national category. His most recent Twitter upload is of a ā€œSomaliā€ guy who you can tell is the exact same guy he promoted as being ā€œEritreanā€ 2 years ago. Another Jamaican guy has been ā€œ19ā€ for two years now.

3.) I honestly believe that a couple of guys are or were underage at the time of filming. While they have big dicks, you can otherwise tell theyā€™re young by their physical development. He gets very defensive when this is pointed out on Twitter and says he always asks to see their ID, but if these linkups are indeed anonymous, who is actually showing their ID to someone else? And still, whatā€™s to say that that ID is even real?

4.) I firmly believe that he pays some - if not most/all - of the guys. Even in repressed and gender segregated Saudi Arabia you can have sex quite easily if you know how to navigate it. There are no such barriers in the UK, so there is nothing stopping these guys from having sex or getting head from girls unless some incentive is on the table or theyā€™re gay/bi/enjoy hookups with men. No man - gay, straight, and everything in between - would agree to being filmed with an anonymous person unless theyā€™re an exhibitionist or received some incentive, and certainly no straight man would agree to being filmed just to ā€œtest outā€ and see if the oral sex is as amazing as itā€™s reputed to be. Sure, their faces are covered, but family and friends can still identify you by your clothes and mannerisms behind the masks and gloves.

5.) He talks about how some guys bring their ā€œhomeboyā€ along for both of them to receive head. Weā€™ve all been teenagers before. What straight male teen is discussing with one of his friends that he saw a guy giving amazing head on Twitter and asks if he wants to join him to see how it is?!

6.) To all of the above points, since a lot of these guys are still allegedly teenagers, itā€™s highly likely theyā€™re un- or underemployed, so the money he offers is payment enough to agree to being filmed.

Nevertheless, his content is highly enjoyable. I wish heā€™d be more straightforward or at least less deceptive in his marketing, but hey, itā€™s the Internet!
i only watch for the guys
Heā€™s the black Beef Cake Hunter