I'm only saying this for educational purposes and make you think, not to defend the subject of this thread.
You're basically saying that handsome people (men/women; mature/young) by default don't have issues with self-esteem and act like twats because they know/pretend/believe to be hot... in my life so far I've met ugly and handsome twats; ugly and handsome kind people; ugly and handsome smart people; ugly and handsome creative people (and so on, you get the idea..) Personally I don't believe being beautiful makes you any kinder/bitchier to others as life can be hard for anyone independently by salary, background or sex appeal. We're all damaged goods in our own way and it just happens we're perceived as more/less attractive by others. As a matter of fact, whenever someone tells me I'm hot/handsome/whatever I don't believe it and immediately wonder what they wanna get from me by saying that as I can't see how they would genuinely think something like that... so people you think are stunning may not perceive themselves in the same way (see my previous note on 'being damaged goods').
On another note, if you meant to say that the gay scene is ridden by toxic circuit queens then yes, it's true, but I don't think it's correct to assume that every roids/muscle guys is a twat or a scene queen.