For whomever missed last Friday's WAN show:
  1. Linus will be a guest in tomorrow's Jimmy Fallon show
  2. He spent like 20min+ talking about the possibility of buying a yacht and turning it into a tech yacht
Also, they ended the stream in a very strange way that might or might not have been caused by a post me and my delusional ass made on Twitter. Their reactions below:


For whomever missed last Friday's WAN show:
  1. Linus will be a guest in tomorrow's Jimmy Fallon show
  2. He spent like 20min+ talking about the possibility of buying a yacht and turning it into a tech yacht
Also, they ended the stream in a very strange way that might or might not have been caused by a post me and my delusional ass made on Twitter. Their reactions below:
Is this Luke's awakening?
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