Live Streamers Bulge

how does one add his profile?, I see it says the link “expired”, and a pfp with him in it, with the name “Taz”.
When you join his active live I think his profile gets automatically added...not sure of all the nuances of the app sorry
I really hope I don’t come off as rude, but when you people post screenshots and video clips, can you please let us know what platform that is and the name of the person? Because to us, this is just random pictures and a random video with no name. We don’t know who this is, could possibly be a random video from the Internet so yeah. I hope you understand and I’m sorry if I’m coming off as a little bit rude, just confused.
He has indeed started an Onlyfans but it is 45(!) dollars currently (42 with a limited sale).

Sorry for the spam but after watching one of his vids from last night, seems like he is going to lower it at some point so we'll see