Locker Room Pubic Hair Observations

Pubic hair is part of the male package. It’s a good look. Why trim? If you are red, it’s all about the hair. I foolishly let someone trim my ball hair. Once. I was itching for weeks until it grew back.
It makes my dong look massive and a lot can be bettered with coconut oil or aloe vera and other inexpensive lotions. But yeah to each his own, my gay friends dont like that at all.
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Although, if having the choice, my favourite style down there is full bush that's trimmed short but dark and full, enough to be considered a "bush" and no hairs at all in my shaft so it is surrounded and framed by hair. That's another way of making it stand out.

Wife is super sensitive down there so she appreciates that I don't trim too much, as shorter hairs stick into her labia, irritate and itch.
Mate, just don't clip the hair at all! It's SO sexy to be totally natural. Well, for me anyway. I wonder what women prefer? As a gay/bi guy, I prefer it as hairy as possible. I think it's because a man is "expected" to be hairy, while women are not? Who knows. Just my take on it.
My girlfriend prefers my full bush. I'm a pretty hairy guy (except my back, for some reason) and she loves playing with my hair, wherever it is. The only thing I shave is random hairs that appear on my cock shaft.
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My girlfriend prefers my full bush. I'm a pretty hairy guy (except my back, for some reason) and she loves playing with my hair, wherever it is. The only thing I shave is random hairs that appear on my cock shaft.
Hairy but not on your back? I 'm kinda jealous hahaha hairy back/shoulder blades is the one patch that society hasn't accepted yet. I got plenty of that one :joy:
My girlfriend prefers my full bush. I'm a pretty hairy guy (except my back, for some reason) and she loves playing with my hair, wherever it is. The only thing I shave is random hairs that appear on my cock shaft.
MAN!!!! A cock shaft that has hair growing up it is EVEN hotter than hell!!! Jeez, you str8 guys just have no idea!!! Trust me, it's hot seeing that!
MAN!!!! A cock shaft that has hair growing up it is EVEN hotter than hell!!! Jeez, you str8 guys just have no idea!!! Trust me, it's hot seeing that!
I'm not straight and I don't think it's hot at all. I always shave all of my pube and chest hair. I hate body/facial hair with a passion
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I've mostly seen natural full bush or trimmed but then again the men that are brave enough to be naked in the locker room are often men who are 30ish and up. There are more younger guys embracing their masculinity and allowing the body hair to grow naturally but it still seems that young men prefer a prepubescent aesthetic and like to remove all body hair including hair on their armpits and body.
Wife is super sensitive down there so she appreciates that I don't trim too much, as shorter hairs stick into her labia, irritate and itch.
I think this is also a viable reason why a lot of men shave or trim those regions. I don't think modern women are as appreciative of men's body hair.
I see young guys with full bushes and hairy asses, old smooth guys and everything in between.
As discussed in other threads the biggest generational difference I see in the locker room is younger guys tend to towel dance more and tend to avoid the communal shower area and go for shower stalls.
Either way, it’s their choice.
I went to a masturbation club here in Denver last week and a surprising number of the men there were completely full bush, even the younger guys.
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Just an update for you guys! Went to the gym today, while I was changing these two lads came in to get changed to have a swim right opposite me. I would estimate they were in their early 20s and they were extremely good looking - proper lads lads.

I was absolutely astonished to see, from the quick glimpse I got, they both had unbelievable untrimmed bushes. Their cocks were completely consumed by their forests which billowed out in all directions. I am convinced that they have never trimmed, or have not in over a year as that kind of a bush takes a substantial amount of time to grow.

I must say I was floored! So wonderful to see the young bush alive and well here in the UK
Just an update for you guys! Went to the gym today, while I was changing these two lads came in to get changed to have a swim right opposite me. I would estimate they were in their early 20s and they were extremely good looking - proper lads lads.

I was absolutely astonished to see, from the quick glimpse I got, they both had unbelievable untrimmed bushes. Their cocks were completely consumed by their forests which billowed out in all directions. I am convinced that they have never trimmed, or have not in over a year as that kind of a bush takes a substantial amount of time to grow.

I must say I was floored! So wonderful to see the young bush alive and well here in the UK
Well that's good to hear. Hopefully this younger generation realizes that men are supposed to be hairy and will revel in full pubic hair. Young guys can have such thick pubic hair - they should enjoy it while they have it.