Lorenzo is 28. His. April 12
No, not at all, he's 24. My boyfriend is half Danish, he speaks Danish, he read the local newspaper in the town of Helsingor, Lorenzo graduated from his high school in 2018, he was born in 2000. I prefer not to link to this article so as not to discover certain things about Lorenzo's private life, out of respect for him, because he has the right to do what he wants and that is none of our business.
But what I tell you is absolutely certain. In 2015, in the same high school, there was an article about problems with travel agencies for high school students and the high school management, the subject was free travel during vacations and also competition problems with other travel agencies.
Here is an extract of this article in Danish, Lorenzo is mentioned about these trips
Date: October 7, 2015
En af de studerende, der promoverer en virksomhed, er William Roepstorff på Espergærde Gymnasium, som blev kontaktet af ClubTourEurope:
– De ville gerne have mig som repræsentant på skolen. Jeg skulle så finde to-tre andre, der også kunne sprede budskabet og lave noget reklame for det. Til gengæld får jeg turen gratis, fortæller William Roepstorff.