Lucas Barbosa @nabono7

this is the best I've seen of the two; A long time ago I followed Nabono and then with time Angel, I was watching their stories of when they met of wanting to see each other again and now it seems that they live together; Nabono has always been a beautiful hot cyclist who is like any other person and who has sex, plays sports, masturbates and that is the most normal thing in the world; if they are a couple or not, I don't care if he is gay, bi or heterosexual it doesn't matter; How many of us would like to have such a close friendship and jerk off among friends or enjoy our body without labels and without taking things so seriously but just enjoying the day to day. hardly one day I could see it live and direct. He was recently in my country and I got a lot of emotion as one fantasizes about a man like that with his charisma, his way of being, his beauty and his day-to-day on his social networks.
I've been waiting for this video for a long time and how not to dedicate a delicious handjob to it more today when I woke up a little horny and I couldn't have sex with my boyfriend for reasons of time and things to do...

traduccion español:

esto es lo mejor que he visto de los dos; hace mucho tiempo seguia a nabono y luego con el tiempo a angel, estuve observando sus historias de cuando se conocieron de querer volverse a ver y pues ahora parece que viven juntos; nabono siempre ha sido un ciclista hermoso caliente que es como cualquier otra persona y que tiene sexo, hace deporte se masturba y eso es lo mas normal del mundo; si son pareja o no, no me importa si es gay, bi o heterosexual da lo mismo; cuantos quiseramos tener una amistad asi de cercana y hacernos una paja entre amigos o disfrutar de nuestro cuerpo sin etiquetas y sin tomarse las cosas tan en serio sino solo disfrutar el dia a dia. dificilmente algun dia lo podria ver en vivo y en directo. hace poco estuvo en mi pais y me emociono un monton como uno fantasea con un hombre asi con su carisma su forma de ser su belleza y su dia a dia en sus redes sociales.
este video lo esperaba hace tiempo y como no dedicarle una pajeada deliciosa mas hoy que amaneci un poco caliente y no pude tener sexo con mi novio por cuestiones de tiempo y cosas que hacer...
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does anyone know who the guy nabono fucks in the videos is?
Its a different guy, its not angel for sure, angel has a tattoo under his left breast and the guy nabono is fucking on the vid had no tattoo and has moles on his abdomen part which angel clearly doesnt have hahaha
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Does anyone know what all he has on his premium onlyfans?
Yeah I used to subscribe to him quite a bit (and liked it) but he's changed his format so many times that I have no idea what's what. Like what is the difference between your premium onlyfans and your $100 VIP on your free page?
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the only one who can denounce this is Lucas himself

i was wondering that myself, but no so sure. i think anybody that can prove this is an infringement can do that; nonetheless , will be lucas, or someone very close acting on his interest.

considering the above, here my message to you lucas:
your onlyfans is a joke.
you post too little compared to similar channels (in price and niche)
you charge much more compared to similar channels
what you do post is not remotely worth the price you charge; short clips and photos. your videos are behind a pay wall and you dont disclose that before the purchase.
you are horrible at responding to DMs

i dont have much to say about your personality but considering how you manage your OF business, i wouldnt be surprised if your personality and manners are equally reprehensible.

you have a hot body and that is the single reason why i have joined and participate on this thread here in lpsg.

just a mere observation of facts.