Lucas White-smith Youtuber / Model

straight men don't go out with gay guys and don't have friendships with gay guys, this is a fantasy creation of the younger generations, they will only be friends with gays to get something in return like attracting more followers or getting jobs etc....
What a load of rubbish
straight men don't go out with gay guys and don't have friendships with gay guys, this is a fantasy creation of the younger generations, they will only be friends with gays to get something in return like attracting more followers or getting jobs etc....
Actually insane.
Show me heterosexual men who call their gay friend to go to the bar or a group of heterosexual men who call their gay friend to go to the night club or something like that, today these influencers only do "gay things" for the audience, the famous queerbaiting only has friends and they do gay things to gain followers who are generally gay guys who are desperate for attention and think that one day they will have a chance with him or a guy like him, besides the fact that you have to follow a certain agenda to get jobs in fashion and entertainment do you really think these types of guys care about gays?
I’m the only gay man in my group of male friends. Rest are straight guys.
So your case changes the entire history of society, right? And even because you are an influencer as I mentioned in the comment, right?
All of my close male friends are straight (growing up and the friendships i have made as an adult) ... Maybe not all straight men hang out with or become friends with gay men for an agenda or to "queerbait"... influencers or not, genuine connections and friendships exist, thankfully, it's kinda sad to think it couldn't happen outside of a "fantasy created by the younger generation".
All of my close male friends are straight (growing up and the friendships i have made as an adult) ... Maybe not all straight men hang out with or become friends with gay men for an agenda or to "queerbait"... influencers or not, genuine connections and friendships exist, thankfully, it's kinda sad to think it couldn't happen outside of a "fantasy created by the younger generation".
I don't think it's common but it's silly to suggest it "NEVER" happens. Speaking in absolutes will always be a fail. That said I do think most of the times, straight men would rather not be close friends with gay guys, unless that guy was closeted first and came out later (and in some cases the gay they are friends with will often probably ne joked about/mocked quite a bit, esp if they are flamboyant. But that's just my experience as someone closeted, with mostly straight buddies myself
I’m the only gay man in my group of male friends. Rest are straight guys.
Same here! I think that guy is so incel he's created this weird victim scenario in his head. I hope he gets the help he needs. ❤️
The fact that you don't have gay friends just shows how homophobic you are towards yourself I hope you get the treatment you need
I literally have a boyfriend and I never said I don't have gay friends, but okay. I hope you're genuinely doing alright, friend. ❤️
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straight men don't go out with gay guys and don't have friendships with gay guys, this is a fantasy creation of the younger generations, they will only be friends with gays to get something in return like attracting more followers or getting jobs etc....
Some people should have their right to free speech revoked if they can’t pass a standard IQ test
Some people should have their right to free speech revoked if they can’t pass a standard IQ test
I think he has some past trauma related to straight guys and should get some help. I am guessing he was trying to get into a relationship with a straight man, which obviously would never work. That's a line I would never cross.