Lucas White-smith Youtuber / Model

He's previously said he's straight, so even though he does give off heteroflexible/curious vibes at times, I don't have much reason to believe he falls under the rainbow banner somehow. Entirely possible he might even still be making sense of his sexuality - not everyone has it 100% figured out by their teens.
Hahaha I love this gif. I can’t with people acting with morals in here. It’s like sis, you’re in a forum trading nudes that were obtained by lying and deceiving?????? Hello???????? That’s where your moral compass traces a line? Lmao
this!!! like who exactly are we trying to impress here with this behavior? you guys literally have your heads so far up your asses that you even have the audacity to turn this into a fucking business. get outta here with that “It’S noT mY pLacE to” bullshit. it was never your place to begin with, MY GOD you’re annoying.
this!!! like who exactly are we trying to impress here with this behavior? you guys literally have your heads so far up your asses that you even have the audacity to turn this into a fucking business. get outta here with that “It’S noT mY pLacE to” bullshit. it was never your place to begin with, MY GOD you’re annoying.

Jesus fucking christ. If you want the Lucas file just dm me then but don’t be such a bitch about it
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Don’t bother dm’ing they are still trying to sell it
I guess their moral compass stopped working again :emoji_joy:

“I gave him my word I wouldn’t share or leak it, I’m not that person”. But for a price they’ll share it lmaooooo.