Photos & Videos Luke Beasley

Luke, if you see this, I am letting you know that I am willing to pay you if you take my virginity. I am from Chihuahua City, México, so it is not so far from you. I want to stop being a virgin. Please.

If Luke is building a list of guys that want to fuck him, it's going to be a very long list. Could be thousands and thousands on there. :yum
God damn he looks better then I thought he would and I wish he would grow his hair back like this cause he looks amazing here

He might be losing the corners a bit in the front, his hair style has that look a little bit. It fits him well though, matches with the ultra smart, sky is the limit type vibe he has. Regardless, he certainly won the genetic lottery, got the brains the mindset/attitude and the looks. I feel like I should file suit against my parents by comparison, what the hell happened (I blame Reagan and ignore all the work I didn't put in). :laughing:

He might be losing the corners a bit in the front, his hair style has that look a little bit. It fits him well though, matches with the ultra smart, sky is the limit type vibe he has. Regardless, he certainly won the genetic lottery, got the brains the mindset/attitude and the looks. I feel like I should file suit against my parents by comparison, what the hell happened (I blame Reagan and ignore all the work I didn't put in). :laughing:
Some ppl just get lucky sadly lol but he’s just one of those ppl that look bad with short hair the long hair fits his face so well