Luke elsman

He knows what he is doing
It seems that Luke is "slowly" starting to follow in the footsteps of some other popular fitness guys on social media. Cause it's pretty obvious that he's starting to run out of ideas on different video skits to post seeing as a lot of them are very repetitive now.

I get the feeling that he's starting to ponder the idea of creating "gay bathing" content like Austin Lauver, Johnny Munster, Parker Blake, and even Eric Janicki who is married with two little ones, and he too started doing all of that. But it seems like Luke is testing the waters in a different direction.

But most of these straight fitness guys eventually start gay bating because they soon realize that most of their followers are gay men and that's what brings in the real money and higher social media numbers. Personally I really don't care for those adolescent goofy videos but that's what's making these guys more popular.