Male Bisexuality Acceptance

Most bi guys do it during their marriage with women and wonder why women don't trust bi men.


Cause there is no way in hell you’re going to convince me that straight men are in any way more faithful to their wives. 😤
far greater than bi guys
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far greater than bi guys

Oh come on, straight people are the champions of relationship hypocrisy. I'm more surprised when I hear examples of straight couples not cheating on each other than the other way round.
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Oh come on, straight people are the champions of relationship hypocrisy. I'm more surprised when I hear examples of straight couples not cheating on each other than the other way round.
Yeah however straights also aren't the ones who be complaining about rights but be the highest promiscuity
Thanks Frank

I am not sure what injustices I was referring to but I think you and I of the same mind. My approach, like yours, is to call out bad behaviors, sometimes in the form of questions. I agree shouting at the clouds is terribly ineffective. Very few arguments are ever won by belittling the opposing view. I prefer to share my perspective and experiences with the objective of initiating a healthy, respectful dialogue.

For what it's worth, the safety I was referring to was not physical safety, although it could be, the safety I was referring to is emotional safety.It is very risky personally and professionally to disclose male bisexuality. Bisexual men are often faced with bierasure, myths and assumptions like,

"you're confused",

"it's just a phase",

It's a stepping stone to coming out as gay",

"you're gay and just don't know it or won't admit it",

"you're sexually greedy, have to be with both men and women to be satisfied", (all most every human has sexual desires outside of their committed relationship but not all people act on those desires, bisexual men are no different)."

"bisexual men are more promiscuous, a health risk",

"bisexual men are more likely to cheat",

"bisexuals will leave their partner/s for another gender",

"if you're with a partner of one gender you can't be bisexual" See it was just a phase.....

"one day you'll have to choose ",

"bisexuals have more dating choices" many gay men and women (straight & bi) run form bisexual men

The list goes on

These myths are the equivalent of "gay bashing". Homophobia should never be tolerated, neither should biphobia or bierasure. I think those myths and assumptions are disrespectful and hurtful, preventing many bisexual men from coming out.

In my experience straight men are the most accepting of male bisexuality. Gay men the least accepting closely followed by women, although there are women out there who are turned on by male bisexuality which is awesome as long as they don't fetishize or objectify bisexual men.

Hope you're having a good day.
I think you falter in your equanimity. It is non-productive and naive to believe you will achieve a "healthy, respectful dialogue" with the kind of people you posit. I would recommend more bite and derision for such folk, but you have to be true to yourself; however, at some point, you also must examine if you are gaining any ground. I don't respect the kind of people who would utter the imbecilic statements you cite as examples; consequently, they have no impact on me and I have no wish to change the minds of morons. That said, I also put no stock in accusations of "homophobia" or "biphobia." I don't think anyone has a pathological fear of gay or bisexual men, and disliking someone because of their sexual orientation (distasteful as that may be) is not the same as fear. The terms have lost their impact from overuse, just as many such terms have suffered. Lastly, I find it uninteresting to debate who accepts whom, more or less, and I don't care to speculate their reasons for that acceptance or lack thereof. I insist on respect, show respect (where it is warranted), and cast aside anyone who does not abide by my rules of engagement. I offer that to you as an alternative to tilting at windmills.
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I think you falter in your equanimity. It is non-productive and naive to believe you will achieve a "healthy, respectful dialogue" with the kind of people you posit. I would recommend more bite and derision for such folk, but you have to be true to yourself; however, at some point, you also must examine if you are gaining any ground. I don't respect the kind of people who would utter the imbecilic statements you cite as examples; consequently, they have no impact on me and I have no wish to change the minds of morons. That said, I also put no stock in accusations of "homophobia" or "biphobia." I don't think anyone has a pathological fear of gay or bisexual men, and disliking someone because of their sexual orientation (distasteful as that may be) is not the same as fear. The terms have lost their impact from overuse, just as many such terms have suffered. Lastly, I find it uninteresting to debate who accepts whom, more or less, and I don't care to speculate their reasons for that acceptance or lack thereof. I insist on respect, show respect (where it is warranted), and cast aside anyone who does not abide by my rules of engagement. I offer that to you as an alternative to tilting at windmills.
I agree with you on all of your point.

I would dial up the bite and derision if I thought it would change minds. I have very low expectations of changing the minds of morons or bigiots, but I don't mind exposing them for who they are with a smile, usually a wry smile. As a wise woman once said "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

The statements I cited are moronic. They don't negatively effect me either and where not directed at you. But rather for others who are reading this tread and may not be aware of the ridiculous things people think and say about bisexual men.

I agree, fear and dislike are not the same. Sadly, even in 2024,I believe there are people who are afraid of gay and bisexual men. We are one day closer to eliminating those fears.

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend!
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I agree with you on all of your point.

I would dial up the bite and derision if I thought it would change minds. I have very low expectations of changing the minds of morons or bigiots, but I don't mind exposing them for who they are with a smile, usually a wry smile. As a wise woman once said "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

The statements I cited are moronic. They don't negatively effect me either and where not directed at you. But rather for others who are reading this tread and may not be aware of the ridiculous things people think and say about bisexual men.

I agree, fear and dislike are not the same. Sadly, even in 2024,I believe there are people who are afraid of gay and bisexual men. We are one day closer to eliminating those fears.

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend!
As for me, I'd rather be feared.
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Because of the 1% chance that she'd view me differently & it'd affect our marriage.
I'm just not willing to take that chance yet, but if I ever try sucking a big cock & like it, then

Because of the 1% chance that she'd view me differently & it'd affect our marriage.
I'm just not willing to take that chance yet, but if I ever try sucking a big cock & like it, then I may tell her.
Things have definitely improved for bisexuals over the years, but honestly they have it worse than gay guys in some ways. I hope you get the chance to experiment and see what all you enjoy and I hope she is accepting.
My wife is bi & she thinks that everyone is bi to some extent, whether they admit it or explore that side of their sexuality or not.
I have been bicurious for years only about sucking a big cock at least once & maybe receiving a Peter North-like facial since I enjoy shooting huge loads onto my own face.
She knows that I used to selfsuck & wish I still could & she knows that I love shooting onto my own face when she's not around & she's supportive of both.
Although I really think that she'd be supportive of my bicuriousity, I don't feel comfortable disclosing my feelings to her.
I hope you're able to disclose to her how you feel. In the meantime in case you didn't know, Peter North did gay porn under the name Matt Ramsey before he started in straight porn. So if you want to see how it would look for Peter North to give a facial to a man...Google is your friend sir! His gay stuff is out there digitally ❤️ It's soooooo hot, too! I grew up watching his straight stuff, so when I discovered the gay stuff, well...let's just say I lost a LOT of time jacking it over those films! He never did suck a dick on camera as far as I have ever found, but he got sucked, rimmed, fucked some men, and bottomed for some men. Took some legendary dicks as a bottom, too!
I disclose my bi feelings to my (bi) wife. I have disclosed my bisexuality largely to a few female friends over the years. Most guys, no, as they are pretty hetero...but still pretty liberal generally. As I have said elsewhere, this bi thing is pretty cool. It has allowed our sex life to evolve very nicely!

See you on the nude beach in 4 weeks! I will be the one with a cock ring on and a wonderful wife!!