Male Pageant Models

I have to praise Mister Universe Venezuela for their choice of swimwear, it really accentuate the men's package, unlike most male pageants which provide boxer trunks or swimwear with excessive garment that conceal the bulge.

A man's penis is a beautiful body part that should be celebrated and not shamed, male models should have the chance to show off their bulge just like how female models show off their boobs and cleavage in bikinis. There is no reason why male models should hide or be embarrassed of their bulge. If we can focus on women's boobs sizes then there is nothing wrong to focus on men's package as well

Mister Global Laos 2021 Sengaphone Souriyamath
He should have made it to the top 10 in my opinion, he has one of the best bulge in swimwear among the contestants





Price is way too high for me, so it's a thank u, next.
He actually revealed for free as a compensation gift due to delayed responses to fans. You can request the free gift video :) nice little package. Not including the ejaculated video though
Here are some of my fave swimwear photos from the ongoing Man of the World being held in Manila | 1



USA (our Crossover King! He competed already in 3 international pageants namely, Men Universe, Mister Global and now in MOTW)


*Love the choice of swimwear design too.
And some bad news for our King Htoo... Unfortunately the organization decided to disqualify him.

Woah! I guess male pageants are more open and accepting compared to female counterparts. On the same note, our Burmese King, Htoo is now gunning for another title. View attachment 69076711
Htoo will represent Myanmar again on Man of the World pageant this year. If you remember (and I believe I posted it here before), Man of thr World is where Tatsuya Lacey was accepted as an official candidate of Japan and competed despite having done frontal shoots from the past, (I guess he was the first to do so). Although he was accepted, many speculated that it somehow affected his placement, as he failed to penetrate the semis and end up being unplaced that year. I guess he was the male version of "El Tocuyo" of that pageant, that year. Now we'll have to wait and see, what will be the outcome for Htoo this year. I also remember that John Adajar was also accepted as Mr. Supranational Phillipines last year despite him being a father already.