Photos & Videos male versus female frontal nudity in softcore


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Platinum Gold
Apr 18, 2024
hello, I have a question, maybe a silly one but still want to ask.. i have seen in western softcore movies/clips, i see female full frontal and full back nudity in almost every single movie, but i see male frontal nudity is almost never shown, and they try to take every step to hide the male frontal nudity. and I know softcore means no actual sex, but whats the problem with showing male frontal if they can show female frontal. can somebody please tell me the reasons? i can understand that men would like to see female nudity but do no women watch these softcore as i am pretty sure they won't enjoy female nudity much and would like to see some male nudity as well?
also, i mentioned west specifically, because softcore means different in different parts of the world. in some countries, softcore means men keep underwear on and women keep panty and bra on during those movies..
I think that they assume the audience of straight men will be turned off (or even threatened) by seeing flaccid penises on screen when they’re trying to get off to naked women. Western men are not as comfortable with male nudity as other cultures. Plus, during the actual “sex” scenes, the men are supposedly hard, and since they can’t show erect penises in Softcore they hide the dicks so the audience can imagine the actor is hard without having to show it.

But that’s not always the case. If you’re interested in seeing male full frontal nudity in American Softcore, try searching for episodes of “Sexy Urban Legends” or “7 Lives Xposed.” Or look for the Softcore porn movie titled “Naked Instinct.”
Lots of reasons for lack of dick in American softcore. Actually, it was more common in early softcore -- the rated X movies of the early 1970s. These were low on plot --- or just silly. An X rating meant their was adult content but no actual penetration. XXX was for full-blown (pun intended) hardcore penetration. Don't recall what XX would allow -- maybe blowjobs, but not vaginal penetration? Even a few mainstream films of the 70s showed dick. I think Porky's in the early 1980s was one of the last of that era.

As stated above, showing dicks in movies can be uncomfortable for both the male and female viewer. Most (not all) women aren't turned on by nudity. Also if it seen during sex, it breaks the illusion. But obviously, they go to great lengths not to show it even non-aroused -- even when it would be appropriate.

Not all actors are comfortable showing their junk. There are lot of size queens -- even in the 90s -- especially in you are comparing guy with average dicks to those who act in hardcore (though not every hardcore actor has a huge dick).

A lot of people equated seeing a dick with porn. Softcore is a type of porn, but apparently censors are more afraid of dicks than vaginas. Some mainstream sex scenes had to be cut if the guy's naked ass was shown in a humping motion. Just bizarre, really.
now i am actually very confused. all these movies are watched by both men and women. please correct me if they are only watched by men (which i don't think is the case). I agree with your points that erection can't be shown and penetration is not shown in softcore, but how about taking a natural shot when men removes their undies, why to take every step to hide penis even at that time.. and if i go with the complex men would suffer seeing other men's dicks, then maybe we should think about women as well as they also might feel the same complex while seeing other women's big breasts, and perfect curvy bodies and they may feel bad comparing with.. and just to point out, i am new to the western world, so my lens would be different from others who have lived here their whole life.. but i feel that although it is said that there is lots of gender equality here, and i agree in some areas there is, like in jobs, wearing suits & tie, works at home, but i feel women are way more objectified than men.. and hopefully, we will get to hear from women as well as to if they really enjoy female frontal nudity but are averse to male frontal nudity. as one of you mentioned, there are a few shows like sexy urban legends, so lets consider the percentage of softcore shows that are like this show, maybe 1 in a hundred, isnt it?and i feel in sexy urban legends, they have balanced male and female nudity.. and a measure of equality in nudity there, i guess..
Full frontal nudity of the female body doesn't reveal much other than breasts - the actual genitalia (vulva, vaginal entrance) are generally well hidden.

But, full frontal nudity of the male body puts the genitalia right there, fully visible, front and center.
Totally different and I'm sure censors and puritans see them differently as well.
but i feel women are way more objectified than men.
That's because this part of the world has convinced society at large that the only objectification worth getting up in arms over is the sexual objectification of women by men. We don't talk about the objectification of straight men as success objects, or the objectifying of gay men as entertainment for women.
and if i go with the complex men would suffer seeing other men's dicks, then maybe we should think about women as well as they also might feel the same complex while seeing other women's big breasts, and perfect curvy bodies and they may feel bad comparing with.
You're conflating two very separate things, while women may feel lacking or have some sort of competitive complex with "perfect" female nudity, it doesn't mean they don't enjoy it in a much more fundamental way than primarily straight men will ever enjoy the nudity of a man, which brings up the numbers issue...most women can appear nude onscreen and appeal to most parties watching no matter the sex, nude men are not going to appeal to almost all straight men, and most straight women,find upwards of 80% of men to be unattractive, meaning a nude man is either going to be not well received by most femmale eyes or women's very narrow standard of beauty for men would be unquestioningly revealed instead of the altruistic propaganda we tend to associate with women's process of attraction.
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Actually from what ive heard in soft core porn they are actually having sex but there are several cameras shooting the action a couple that are strategically placed to show thrusting qnd movement but no sex and then the actual money making cameras showing it all, Ive heard this was done to save time and money as shooting schedules, and locations and actors get paid/charged buy the hour so if you can shoot two things at once and save time and money youll make more of both!
Actually from what ive heard in soft core porn they are actually having sex but there are several cameras shooting the action a couple that are strategically placed to show thrusting qnd movement but no sex and then the actual money making cameras showing it all, Ive heard this was done to save time and money as shooting schedules, and locations and actors get paid/charged buy the hour so if you can shoot two things at once and save time and money youll make more of both!
That's only for the type of softcore this is basically hardcore without penetration. The majority of softcore doesn't go that far --- though some of it gets very handsy. And, of course, there are softcore people who went on to do hardcore and vice versa. Softcore of the 90s was more in keeping with sexual thrillers like Basic Instinct. That changed in the 2000s where sex scenes overtook story -- and, unfortunately, saw more and more hardcore actors enter the scene.
There are many reasons why male frontal nudity has not been shown much in American movies/softcore porn.

1) Female genitalia is not visible to the naked eye (no pun intended) in female full frontal scenes.
2) Women are supposed to be the sex objects in our society -- not men (even though viewing large male penises are enjoyed strongly by straight men in straight porn [the irony]).
3) Penis size insecurities: Men have to be somewhat flaccid in a full front scene, and even if some men can fluff up a bit, they don't have the big dick courage to show that dick.
4) Might sound strange, there is still rampant homophobia is society: if men see more than dick than titties, it might come off as "gay". Remember what women want is ignored.

Some women do like to see like at the male nudity and some don't. Some women like male strippers and some don't. But, in the end, it's a white straight man's world (as we can see with the Trump Administration lol).

One positive note: nowadays men are not as uncomfortable with male nudity in mainstream media because we are saturated with online porn that shows male ass and dick and balls everywhere. It's not all T & A now.
I still think it comes down to how each gender appreciates the other. The ubiquity of female frontal nudity stems from the fact outside of extreme bodies, most women of healthy body weight(and many above and below) are going to be well received by men and women alike. Conversely, outside of a comedic frame(lots of comedy movies have no problem with full frontal male nudity) there isn't really much appreciation for most men of healthy body weights, and I think that is a plausible deniability most women aren't looking to usurp, even if ideologically they "should" appreciate the spectrum of us as much as we appreciate them.
Ultimately it means you can be a 1000lb Sister or Gal Gadot(and everything in between), there will be an appreciation of your nudity from a sizable portion of male populace, but it's going to be very obvious really quickly when the only popular male frontal nudes are atop the hypergamous hierarchy of women's sexual selection.
What's acted upon earnestly IRL is what will be appreciated on screen, I know for a fact guys are jerking it to everything from Playboy to the Lane Bryant catalog, I doubt too many beans are being flicked to men whom aren't obviously and predictably attractive, until the plausible deniabilities of charisma and such come into play, but that's a whole new thread unto itself.